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Jun 02-08

This Week

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Hi Everyone!

Wow, writing this post feels surreal. It’s exciting and scary and amazing and unbelievable all at the same time.

 Rosie conquered her last round of chemo just like the first three - with unexpected complications but with her signature feisty fighting spirit. This past Tuesday, we went to see Rosie’s oncologist for the results of her post-treatment MRI. I am thrilled to share that Rosie is officially considered NED (No Evidence of Disease), or in other words, cancer free!!   

So what now? Rosie is scheduled to see the surgeon next month to have her mediport removed, and will hopefully be able to get rid of her Mic-key button (g-tube) in the next few months too. She is working hard in physical therapy each week to rebuild her mobility, balance, and strength, and she is getting used to her hearing aids. Her eyebrows and eyelashes have started to regrow in tiny sprouts and a thin layer of peach fuzz is growing on her head. For the next year, Rosie will be monitored through MRI’s every three months to make sure there is no reoccurrence. After that they will be spaced out to 6 months and then twelve, but will most likely continue for the rest of her life. 

Every time I pause to think about what Rosie has gone through, it takes my breath away. This tiny little lady has been forced to face a demon that would make many grown men crumble in fear, but she roared her way through it until the demon cowered and retreated, at least for now.  It is inspiring to think about. If Rosie (and so many other children) can battle cancer, we can all do incredible things, right? 

For the record, I don’t think Rosie has any interest in being seen as a hero or inspiration. In her mind she is just a six-year old girl excited about getting to spend time at the beach with her baby cousin next week, having a fun Disney trip with her New Jersey family a few weeks after that, and going back to school in August as a big first grader. And that’s exactly how it should be. 

I know I have said it many times, but a million thanks you’s would never be enough for all of you for supporting us in so many ways this past year. The prayers, positive vibes, phone calls, texts, cards, encouragement, meals, goodies, hugs, deliveries, stand-in parents for Rosie’s siblings, blood donations and just outpouring of love got us through this mess. And I can’t end without celebrating Rosie’s three older siblings - Olivia, Tony, and Maggie - whose worlds were turned upside down this year, but who kept going and each accomplished amazing feats of their own. I am so proud of them. 

With lots of love,

Emily 💕

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