Romy’s Story

Site created on October 27, 2020

Welcome to our CaringBridge website. We are using it to keep family and friends updated in one place.  This is for my dad, Romeo aka Romy to most of his friends. Dad turned 85 in July 2020. My mom, Elnora aka Nora to most, also turned 85 in August 2020. They’ve been living at their residence independently in Tagaytay (1 1/2 from Manila, Philippines) in the early 2000’s. All the kids are in the US but my parents are very social and want to retire closer to their friends and relatives. My dad used to visit us kids at least once a year but less frequently over the years. My mom used to fly with my dad but being petrified of flying, the long flight was just too much for her. I just visit them once a year instead to at least see mom. They’ve hired Ted & Rica to help them with everyday chores and driving around and are permanently staying with my parents. My dad tends to do all the errands, shopping, bank transactions. He likes being independent and active and can be quite stubborn. He likes living life and they both love being involved in their extended family, community and social circles. I think that’s why they’ve lived this long. I am always worried that something might happen where it makes it challenging to assist them being on the other side of the globe, however, we wanted them to live where their the happiest. They don’t like life of seniors in the US where they’re mostly at retirement homes or assisted living. Most of their close friends are still in their early to mid sixties and were surprised that they are well into their 80’s. Over the years, I’ve seen them age more rapidly but this is just part of life that’s inevitable.

Newest Update

Journal entry by Joe Cordero

Got a call the gastroenterologist on Tuesday that the stopped feeding dad via the PEG tube so they can determine if there is infection (SEE the previous journal update with video and more detailed update). There is significant air in his abdomen and will have to check if there is a leak or an infection.

I visited dad on Thursday to bring some comfortable shoes, short & shirt for his rehab session. Also got a face shield for him as they wheel him from his room to the ground floor for his session. I waited in his room for 2 hours as they took him for X Ray to check if there were leaks from the PEG procedure. Thankfully, there weren’t any leaks or signs of infections as his white blood cell counts weren’t elevated. He got a clean shave cause we brought his razor and shaver from our previous visit. I took a picture of him while sleeping. He was asleep when they brought him back in the room. The nurse showed me his most current hand writing and it is pretty close to his normal penmanship. The nurse also told me the previous dad that he is ready or wants to go home. He was looking for his trousers so he can go home and asking for the hospital bill. Dad being dad, he doesn’t want to spend time in the hospital but the doctors and specialist haven’t cleared him to go home yet. Most likely, it will be about 2-3 weeks before he can go home. In some ways, it is good that he isn’t able to vocalize his speech yet. Kinda like having a MUTE button on dad as he can be VERY loud and stubborn whenever he doesn’t get his way. I posted his current hand writing below. You can tell he is anxious to get home as soon as possible. Mom and I are planning another visit on Tuesday. Pray that we keep healthy before and after we visit. If any of you could send pictures or a short video and send them to me on Facebook messenger Or to dad’s Facebook messenger, I can show it to him on our next visit. I’m sure he’ll love them and appreciate them.

Thankful that dad is getting back his normal personality and definitely much better than a month ago when he was unconscious for several days in ICU. Thank you all who are praying for his recovery.

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