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Jun 16-22

This Week

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With my next scan and update not until mid-June I began to think about closure. This site and all of you have been amazingly faithful with your love and support. Kim and I are often overwhelmed and at a loss for words when receiving the comments, texts, and phone calls.

The feeding tube (FT) was removed on 2/21 and trach on 3/5. FT healed up completely over the past several weeks but the trach opening will take a bit longer. I was strongly advised NOT to go snorkeling on our upcoming Florida getaway. I think I will heed that advice.

Throughout this, we have been consistently amazed at God's faithfulness and provision. Notice I didn't say surprised. The radiologist moved to Florida shortly after I completed treatment and the ENT surgeon is moving to California in several months. We believe God had these docs here just to treat me. 🤔

Our men's bible study is about halfway through our series on Habits for Healing where we are covering the mind, spirit, and body.  We have grown quite close adhering to the rule what is said in the group stays in the group. Recently I heard a message from Mark 2:1 where the story of the paralytic being lowered from the roof to the feet of Jesus is recounted. A couple lessons really stood out to me about this story:

  1. How valuable good friends are. Think about this: If you were the paralytic which of your friends would have done that for you? Find a ladder and rope, wreck a roof, haul a guy up there, lower him down without dropping him while believing that Jesus would no doubt heal him! I believe our bible study are those guys as well as my CarCare brothers.
  2. I think that all of us take turns being the person on the mat. We just might not recognize it at the time.
  3. Throughout this Kim and I have been the ones on the mat. Ok, mostly me, but it has been equally as hard on her. Thank you for carrying us.❤️

For you:

Heavenly Father,

I come before you with a heart overflowing with gratitude for the precious gift of friends and family who have journeyed alongside me through this challenging medical ordeal. Lord, you have surrounded me with loving and supportive souls who have been your hands and feet, offering comfort, encouragement, and unwavering companionship during the darkest moments.

Thank you, Lord, for the selfless acts of kindness, the fervent prayers lifted on my behalf, and the countless ways in which my loved ones have demonstrated your boundless love and compassion. Their steadfast presence has been a beacon of hope, illuminating the path through the shadows of uncertainty and fear.

Father, as I reflect on the trials we have faced together, I am reminded of your faithfulness and provision every step of the way. You have carried us through the stormy seas, granting us strength, courage, and resilience in the face of adversity. Your grace has sustained us, your mercy has renewed us, and your love has bound us together in unbreakable bonds of fellowship and unity.

May our hearts overflow with thanksgiving for the blessings of friendship, the gift of family, and the miracle of healing that you have bestowed upon us. Help us to cherish each moment, to celebrate your goodness, and to continue shining your light in a world in need of hope and love.

In Jesus' name, Amen. -Inspired by God, edited by me, and finalized by ChatGBT😉

Rick & Kim

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