Richard’s Story

Site created on August 9, 2022

 Richard was born with duplex kidneys which means that he had two tubes coming from each kidney to his bladder.  This meant that fluid was draining from his bladder back in to his kidneys and killing his kidneys off. At the age of 14 it was detected and he had corrective surgery but his kidneys have continued to 
deteriorate. He is now in end stage kidney failure and needs a living donor transplant for the best outcome. Please consider becoming a living donor and feel free to share this page.

Specify Richard Blachford as the recipient.

Newest Update

Journal entry by Karen Goodwin

Time for an update on our transplant patients! Thank you for your continued support and prayers! Update from Cherisse: I am so much better & I am able to go most days with out wearing my belly belt. My energy level is improving.. But, I still have restrictions on what I can do regarding lifting and exercise until August. A year ago this month, I had surgery to correct a bone spur & arthritis in my right big toe (hallux rigidus) otherwise known as “dancer toe”. It was better for awhile and I was able to return to dancing. But, then I started experiencing swelling again and extreme pain and now I am not able to even put on my regular dance shoes. So, I went back to the orthopedic specialist last week and she took X-rays and said that the arthritis has progressed a lot. 😞 She has ordered an MRI to see if there is any bone/cartilage that can be cleaned up. If there isn’t, then she will need to fuse the bone. She said that she can do it in a way that I will still be able to wear my dance shoes though. 🙏 Update from Richard: Slowly recovering … they are reducing one of my anti-rejection medications (specifically Tacrolimus) and replacing it with a once/month IV infusion medication. The goal is to get my creatinine levels down. Neither one is supposed to go to work full time until September… they do have a couple of “light” teaching jobs in August but even that has to be very gently done. General update on the rest of us: Baba BishopJohn is continuing to deal with afib and high blood pressure, and irregular heart rate. Some days are really good…other days are not. Gigi AmonnaSue Thankfully my health limitations are not critical, just annoying—yes, the Dr said I need a knee replacement, but it’s not horribly painful. However, since I had corneal lens transplants a few years ago, I’m not supposed to lift really heavy things or do whatever would require extreme exertion because when I overdo it, the blood vessels in the whites of my eyes burst and I suddenly look like a vampire! 😳🙄. I don’t feel pain, but it freaks out anyone who looks at me! 🤪 Other than those two things, I still have what a Ghanaian doctor “FRIEND” (!) diagnosed me with many years ago: the “3F Syndrome”—that’s “Female, Fat and Fifty”!!!! 🙀😁 I (Karen) have recently learned that I have “signs of arthritis” in my low back and upper right hip. The dr prescribed PT and that begins on Monday. It’s been a full month since I had a migraine!!! Praise the Lord for that! I am navigating the fatigue & droopy eye that comes with Ocular Myasthenia Gravis while growing my Tupperware and Pet Care businesses. These are so incredibly helpful for me because they allow me to work when I am able. The pet care business may be affected depending on where we end up moving to. We’re continuing to look for God’s perfect housing for this next chapter. Most of you know that the 5 of us share a 4 bedroom/3.5 bath townhouse… we’d really like to find something similar in the same area or closer to Vienna, VA. This pic is from last night … my mom’s Coco Kitty wanted to be part of the Capitol Fourth Celebration on TV! 😂
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