Richard ’s Story

Site created on December 19, 2022

Psalm 146:1 Says, “God is my refuge and strength, an ever-present help in times of trouble.” I hold on to the truth that God is with me, and that He will see me through this trial.

Hey friends! Welcome to my Caring Bridge Website. This is a way for me to share my health journey with friends and family. Cristi and I are thankful to have this vehicle to connect with you all as we start down a challenging few months. 

I was recently diagnosed with squamous cell cancer at the base of my tongue with some lymph node involvement in my neck. Before going into detail, I wanted to highlight a few things:

I started an intense 7-week regiment of daily radiation therapy and weekly chemotherapy on January 4th.  The side effects of the radiation can be difficult to manage due to where the cancer is located. Most people with this kind of treatment take a year to recover if not longer. Cristi and I are going to need support as we take on this fight. That includes prayer, fellowship, encouragement, and financial assistance.
I am trusting the Lord for His strength for the treatment regimen. I am receiving wonderful care from my medical team, and we are not being timid in our approach.

I have a wonderful wealth of riches when it comes to a loving family. With my wife Cristi and our 7 kids and 7 grandkids, I am indeed a blessed man.  Their love and unwavering support give me the motivation needed to fight this cancer.

In terms of other forms of riches, we knew having a large family and a vocation of teaching music to kids would not generate great wealth. But it is a choice we made with eyes wide open so we could bring the joy of music to thousands of children and families.

As an in-class music teacher, the pandemic greatly diminished my ability to work for the past two years. I have been slowly but surely rebuilding my business, but this diagnosis, treatment and recovery will put me back on the bench for at least a year.

Asking for help is humbling but the situation is bigger than we can handle on our own.  Many we have talked with have encouraged us to make our needs known, so Cristi and I are extending our hands and asking for help in hopes that some of you are in a position to do so. My children have set up a GoFundMe page and any amount helps. If you click on the Ways To Help Icon it will take you there.

Sharing the page on your Facebook or any social media platform is a form of help! My family and I are going to be sharing it and  we would be grateful if you helped get the word out.

We are blessed to have so many friends and regret we have not been able to reach out personally to many of you. Believe us we wanted to. Know that we love you all and are thankful for your friendship.

 I have always been told that I have a father’s heart. So let me take a minute to encourage you:


 Directors and teachers: I love you all. Your dedication to your little people is an inspiration to me. I am not going away, and I will be back. But in the interim sing and dance with your children. You know what to do.

Parents: I don’t know many of you intimately, but I do love “Playing Music” with your children. I have been called the Music Man for over 20 years now. My wife says we can’t go anywhere in Greenville without some student or parent looking across the room and asking, “Are you the Music Man? My child was in your class ten years ago and she loved it.” This makes me happy!

My SC Church families and friends:  If you know me you know I love worship, and to give my all to the one who gave His all for me. This season has drawn me closer to Him than ever before. Thank you for your support, continued prayers, words of encouragement, and love. I feel that Agape love of the Lord through you. 

Texas friends and prayer warriors you know what to do. Cristi and I Love You and miss you.


I recently was able to meet a Pastor who went through a similar battle with cancer. He authored a book called Hope Beyond Reason­-Embraced by God’s presence in the toughest of times.  In that book he said something which spoke deeply to my heart. He said, “I did not need to seek Jesus to be healed. I needed to seek to know Jesus the healer.”   That is where I am. I want to get low and humbly draw near to Jesus and really get to know Him intimately like never before. Pray for that intimacy with the lover of my soul for He is my healer!

So as we walk this journey we would be honored and blessed if come alongside Cristi and I.  Your prayers and support and encouragement mean everything to us.  


Habakkuk 3:19 The Lord God is my strength and personal bravery my source of courage and my invincible army, and He will make me to walk (not to stand in terror but to walk) and make spiritual progress upon my high places of trouble and suffering.   


Newest Update

Journal entry by Richard Morris

Hey Friends and family.  It's been about three weeks since I finished treatment. Seventeen of those twenty one days was about the toughest time of my life physically. Just suffice to say my throat was like a small atomic bomb went off. I could go on but you get the point. 

Now for the good news:  Throat pain and swelling are about gone. Sleep is better! I'm able to eat some soft things but still very little taste.  Pray for the taste buds to restore and that the damage caused by the radiation on my salary glands would be restored. I sat at the piano and sang some tonight with NO PAIN!!!!   So keep praying as you think about Cristi and I. On March 31st I will have a C.T. scan done to asses how the treatment went. Then six weeks after that I will have a Pet Scan.  

Prayer needs: Still need better sleep. Need to gain some weight. My energy level to return. The is the big one...that I will prioritize rest in the secret place!  

Love you all,





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