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Jun 02-08

This Week

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Psalm 139: 1-3  1 O Lord, You have searched me and known me.  2 You know my sitting down and my rising up; You understand my thought afar off.  3 You comprehend my path and my lying down, and are acquainted with all my ways

Hello Team Reece,

It has been a bit since our last update. Please see that as a “good sign” and that this cowboy is working hard with the strong and unending support of his family. We give thanks for all of these “good signs” and find hope knowing that the Lord knows every little thing about us, for God knows everything. He has  a plan for Reece and continues to bring healing and recovery. Reece is giving it “his all” everyday as he is regaining skills in his therapy sessions (offered both by his therapists and his Dad and Mom! 😉) and progresses in his recovery.  This requires a great deal of patience, resilience and faith and we appreciate the continued support encouragement and love from all of you. 

Reece is at Madonna Rehab Hospital in Lincoln, NE.  Melissa and Mark have continued to be with him and are integral members of his care team.  Reece is receiving intensive physical, occupational, and speech therapy twice per day.  He also receives recreational therapy and educational therapy. Madonna is wonderful place and we are so thankful for the team and amazing care and services. Reece’s team is just as determined as he is when it comes to recovery.  They see the potential and “fight” in this young cowboy and are pushing and pulling every lever they can to help him recover. They  infuse hope everyday as they present new ideas and activities for Reece to tackle. They even coordinated a therapy session with Reece's passion -  horses! They brought 3 horses onto the campus and Reece was able to work on standing up by the horse and pick up with familiar activities like feeling the mane and putting the saddle blanket on and giving banamine. It was a powerful session and while he responded well, these types of activities are a little overwhelming, too. All good signs of progress.

Reece is working so hard – and has been up for anything that he is asked to try.  The hard work ethic, grit, resilience and stubbornness (I say that lovingly) that we have all seen him display when competing in athletics and rodeo are serving him so well as he approaches his rehab each day.  There are so many changes that have occurred, and we are grateful for the steps that Reece takes everyday – both the steps in recovery and “literally” steps as he is getting back to walking! 😊  He is working daily with his PT walking with assistance, riding a stationary bike and other motor activities.  He is regaining strength on his left side and while his right side is weaker –  progress is occurring day to day. 

Reece is using his left arm and hand independently and is returning to familiar activities like running the tv remote, playing games and cards, writing, and scrolling on his phone. His right arm is still weaker but his therapists are hopeful that this will improve over time. 

Reece doesn’t have a trach anymore! He is eating a modified diet (pureed foods and thickened liquids) until his eating skills and swallow are stronger. Freeze pops are a favorite along with ice cream (thickened water – not so much ☹). Reece has not regained his voice just yet but is communicating independently through gestures and facial expressions. He uses a “thumbs up/thumbs down” to indicate what he wants. It is clear that he is understanding much more than he is able to express and Mark and Melissa, along with his therapists continue to work on ways for him to communicate more independently. 

As you may recall, Reece had a craniectomy when he was in the ICU in order to allow room for his brain to swell. The swelling has receded. He will have surgery to replace the cranium sometime in May. 

While Reece is making many big gains and has a strong team supporting him, the insurance authorizations are challenging each week and sometime every few days. Team Reece, please pray for continued insurance authorizations as Reece is exactly where he needs to be right now to continue his recovery. We also continue to pray for voice and strength on his right side.

Melissa and Mark have met so many other families who have reached out or met at Madonna.  Melissa noted that it has "been good for the soul" to talk to others who truly understand the journey, trials and tribulations.  Reece, Mark, Melissa and Jace have continued to receive so many notes of encouragement and prayers and they are so appreciated. It is so comforting for them to know that while this journey is long and they are just on the first leg of this marathon, Reece is not forgotten, and the support is unending!

We also want to thank all of the Team Reece rodeo family for the benefit last weekend in Brookings. While Mark and Melissa were not able to attend, Jace was able to participate and they have heard from many rodeo families that the benefit was a success. We can’t thank all of you enough for the support you’ve shown for this cowboy! 

     God's timing, not mine. 

     God's will, not mine.

     God's plan, not mine.

     God's glory, not mine. 

These impactful words were shared by a dear friend of Melissa's. She keeps telling Reece that God has a bigger plan for him; even though it is not clear what that may be, "we're looking through the peep hole and we need to trust and have faith while we wait for God to open the door." And we know He will. 

We pray to the Great Physician to bring healing and recovery. This cowboy is getting ready for the next ‘round and we know with all of the love and support of Team Reece behind him, nothing can stop him. We love you all, Team Reece!

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