Randy’s Story

Site created on May 29, 2019

Randy was first diagnosed with Stage 4 colorectal cancer in November of 2016. (a mass was found in his colon as well as spots on his liver)  He had a colon resection that month followed by chemotherapy treatments and a CLEAR scan in March of 2017!  That was our "Miracle in March" as we call it.  The cancer was found again, however, the following March of 2018 in his liver and a spot on his lung.  He began a regimen of chemotherapy infusions again for several months and continued with oral chemo. After being told the he was most probably not a candidate for surgery of any kind, we were referred to the U of I in January of 2019 and his case was presented to their tumor board on January 21.  After extensive review they determined that since the cancer had not shown up anywhere else besides his liver for the last several scans, they would do surgery!  So on February 28, 2019, he had a liver resection to remove the two tumors that continually kept showing up on his liver.  We were so hopeful that this would be the end of the cancer, but it didn't take long before he started getting sick and we found that it was indeed back....in his lung and a couple of lymph nodes which were blocking his liver duct and made him jaundiced.  He started back on a chemotherapy infusion regimen on May 2 to try to get rid of these newest areas of cancer.  It has been quite a roller coaster ride, but we are confident that through this all, God will be glorified!  Randy has said all along and still maintains that there is SOME purpose for this, and we are trusting that God is going to do miraculous things again and heal his body completely!!  We do not understand why we have to go through this, but we believe and claim His promises and KNOW that He is in control.  God has revealed Himself to us in SO so many ways through this journey and continues to show us His love.  We are glad to share with anyone our story.  Thanks for visiting. 

Newest Update

Journal entry by Paula Yoder

Past time to update.....
We have been home from the hospital for a week now.  We came home on Monday evening with one oral antibiotic, 2 billiary drains that aren't making a whole lot of difference, minus his port (they removed it the day before) and a recommendation to start Hospice.  With the liver not draining properly, all teams agreed that he will continue to get infections...there is just no way to keep them all suppressed.  And with the liver not functioning right, no more chemo or any other kind of treatment can be given effectively. I am home with him on Family Medical Leave. 
We have been just trying to enjoy every day that we have here at home.  We have had some highly treasured visits with family and friends.  Randy's brother and family came to see us the last weekend we were in the hospital.  My entire family (minus one niece who just had a baby) was here last weekend (32 of us packed into our living room!) 😊 and we had an awesome time of praise & worship/communion/prayer Sunday morning. (I think we went through 3 boxes of tissues and Lukas was pretty sure he was dehydrated, but it was such a memorable time.)  Randy's sister and parents have been a constant help and comfort to us, and so many friends, co-workers and the community at-large have been such a great support and encouragement to us. We are so very blessed.
I say it over and over again, I don't know how people get through times like this without the hope and comfort we have in knowing Jesus Christ as our personal Savior.  It is only through His grace and mercy that we have the assurance of eternal life and the comfort that gives. As hard as some days are, we have a peace that absolutely surpasses all understanding.  Nothing makes any sense to me right now, but I can truly state "It is well with my soul" and so can Randy.  He has been so brave and has put up such a valiant fight.  It was 3 years ago on November 7 that we received his dreadful diagnosis.  I am so thankful for e.v.e.r.y day of those 3 years that we have had together.
I also want to just praise the Lord and ask that we all thank God for the following:
1) Randy has remained hiccup free
2) He still does not have much pain to speak of (some back pain from sitting in the same position so much) so does not have to be on pain killers 
3) He is not running fevers so seems to be infection free! 
4) He is still able to eat a little and enjoy some foods
4) God's provision and timing are impeccable.  (I am refusing to worry about finances right now.)
5) We are still having some good days that he is clear-minded and able to keep up a conversation (and even joke around now and then) 

One more thing I would like to pass along....we would ask that anyone wishing to visit please call ahead.  I am trying my best to have those that want to see him be able to do that, but also please be sensitive that I am trying to save time for his boys/family and closest friends to get time with him as well.  Thank you for understanding.
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