Randi’s Story

Site created on September 14, 2022

Welcome to our CaringBridge website. We are using it to keep family and friends updated in one place. We appreciate your support and words of hope and encouragement. Thank you for visiting.

Newest Update

Journal entry by Jennifer Mitchell

The National Leiomyosarcoma Foundation has set up a tribute page on their website specifically in momma mitch's honor and we wanted to share that here for all of you. Thank you so much to everyone who generously donated to that foundation in momma mitch's honor. Sam and I hope that one day a cure can be found for this terrible disease so no one else has to watch their loved ones suffer.

We also want to thank everyone who has continued to support both of us in the weeks following mom's funeral. We're both just trying to get through each day, but knowing so many people are here for us has helped immensely. 

With love,

Jenn and Sam

PS - I know people have been asking for more details about the Celebration of Life for momma mitch. We are hoping to hold it sometime in October, but are still trying to finalize a location and date. We will provide more specific details as soon as we have them.

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