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Jun 02-08

This Week

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It's been 2 months since our last update and a LOT has happened to us since that update.  Randal came through his surgery without any problems.  He actually stayed in the hospital longer than we had planned,  but since his release has healed quite well.  The big adjustment for him has been the hernia recovery.  He cannot lift anything heavier than 20 pounds and can't do crunches for a very long time😀. 

The great news is when we we met post surgery with both Randal's oncologist and colon surgeon they both said he is CANCER FREE!!! We are so excited and feel very blessed and relieved.  God has really blessed Randal and our family!! We never doubted that this would happen.  For truly, I say to you, if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you.” Matthew 17:20  We will continue to live by faith, in 3 month increments, as Randal will return every 3 months for scans and updates

Right before surgery we had an offer on our house in McKinney and accepted the offer.  We moved at the end of September and are now residents of Pickton, TX.  We are actually living on a property called Journey Road that houses foster families and children.  I am serving on the board of this wonderful nonprofit that supports foster families and children in the area. Randal and I  will be providing respite care for families, helping with fundraising and assisting with projects on the property. Check out the ministry here

We miss our friends in McKinney and Sherman and our wonderful church family at First McKinney.  We could not have made it through this battle without our church family, friends and family  But we are on to our next calling and will continue to covet your prayers.

We will sign off now until December when we will update you on Randal's scan, but we know it will be all good.


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