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May 19-25

Week of May 19-25

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I hit a HUGE milestone 2 weeks ago today.  Normally I journal these milestones right away, but I haven't up until today.  I was thinking this morning and asking myself why it's taken me so long this time to put my thoughts down on paper.  I have a few answers.  1) I've been extremely busy - life is back to normal and we are going full speed every day.  2) I'm not really sure what to say.  I'm kind of at a loss for words and that is really unusual for me.  3) I subconsciously was waiting until October 1st because today is the start of Breast Cancer Awareness month.  Truthfully, it's probably all 3 of these things mixed together.

2 weeks ago today, September 17th, marked the END of Cancer Treatments.  I got to ring the bell!!!  277 days I was undergoing active cancer treatment and 2 weeks ago was my FINAL radiation treatment marking the official end.  If you saw my Facebook post, you saw the emotion that came out of me when I was ringing the bell.  I'm not one to show emotion easily, so that one took me by surprise.  So much of the past year has been a blur and now looking back at it, it almost seems unreal.  Is it conceited to say that I am SO proud of myself?  Maybe so, but from the day of my diagnosis I dug my heals in, knew I was in for the fight of my life, and I fought with everything I had in me and kicked Cancer's booty.  Heck Ya, I'm proud of myself!!!!

The last leg of my cancer journey was Radiation.  I had to undergo 28 rounds of radiation - every day I went to the hospital, but I am finished.  My skin held up very well, a little redness, but that was about it.  I didn't think it was wearing me out that much, but every day that I am on the other side of radiation I have more and more energy, and feel more like myself!!  The hospital made an exception for my last treatment and let Matt come with me.  This was HUGE.  He hasn't been to any appointments with me thanks to Covid.  Not only did they let him come with me to the appointment, but they let him back in the room when they were setting me up for my treatment and explained everything to him (I learned a few things as well).  Then, when they closed the big scary door that is SO thick that if you think about it, you really don't want to be on the inside of it, they let him watch the actual treatment.  He said it was so cool to be able to see how precise everything is.  I didn't know it, but the machine pretty much acts like a huge x-ray machine.  He got an inside glimpse into what my radiation treatments really looked like.  It was pretty cool and I was SO thankful to have him there with me on my FINAL day!!!

Now that Cancer Treatment is done I can concentrate on getting back to my old self.  I'm kind of like Humpty Dumpty who fell off the wall, and now they have to put me back together again.  I continue to go to Physical Therapy twice/week and will for months.  My range of motion is getting better, but won't be 100% until after the expander is taken out.  My PT, Sruthi, has truly been a gift from God.  Because of her, I am no longer in pain all day every day.  I'm still a little uncomfortable and bothered by the expander, but I can sleep again and don't have to be on pain meds round the clock.  She has given me some semblance of normalcy back.  I still have 2 more surgeries ahead of me for the reconstruction portion.  I have my next appointment with my plastic surgeon on October 27th.  At that appointment we will begin to discuss the when and how of my next surgery.  The absolute earliest it would be is December 17, but more likely it'll be some time in January or February.  This expander can't come out soon enough as far as I'm concerned, but I don't want to rush the process either.  

Now...for my soap box moment.  Ladies - It is October - This is Breast Cancer Awareness month (although every month should be breast cancer awareness month in my opinion).  Please, please, please schedule your annual mammograms, do you self breast exams at home, know your body, don't ignore the signs if you think something is wrong.  I hate to think what would have happened if I ignored it.  Modern Medicine is amazing and early detection is KEY.  If I have inspired you at all, please share my story and encourage those you love to be aware.  1 in 8 women will get breast cancer in their lifetime - that is a HUGE statistic - be your own advocate and take control of your own health PLEASE.  Ok - I'll get off my soap box now.

As I sit here and write this, I am outside on our patio enjoying the almost fall like temps.  When I think back over the past year it's very overwhelming to think what I've all been through, and what my family has been through with me.  I know I fought hard, but they fought hard as well.  The support we have been shown is unbelievable and humbling.  God has a plan for me - this I know!!  I also know that I could not have gotten through this past year without Him by my side every step of the way.  He has shown me so many miracles this year.  I have said it a million times and will continue to say it - God is Good - ALL the time!!




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