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Join the 8 donors who have made a donation in honor of Louis.

I stumbled upon the Religion Department my senior year at Gettysburg, looking for an elective to fill out my schedule. Prof. Hammann's course would be the best of all classes I took in my four years. Terrific teacher, memorable and wonderful person!
Greg Park, Class of 1972 | Apr 4, 2022
Lou Hammann was one of my all-time favorite professors. I continue to keep as a professional reminder a paper I submitted for one of his classes on which he wrote next to the 'C' grade 'Bullshit!' (both grade and comment were richly deserved).
Stuart Knade '80 | Feb 23, 2022
Lou Hammann changed my life. He helped me open my eyes not only to my own possibilities but to the world's. I became a religion major (class of '71) after taking my freshman course with Lou, and went on to take many more. I will remember Lou, always.
Bard Shollenberger | Feb 22, 2022
Association with Dr. Hammann was the highlight of my years at G-burg. Initially his lectures made me uncomfortable. As time went on I realized he was causing me to think and question uncritically-held beliefs.
John Schiller '68 | Feb 22, 2022
In memory of Louis Hammann, an unforgettable professor.
Peter Carlson, '80 | Feb 21, 2022
I became a psychologist, with an important interest in religion and philosophy. I was deeply influenced by Dr Hammann. His insight, humanness, empathy and intelligence were inspiring. After taking a semester of The Bible, I was a changed man.
Thomas Fink | Feb 21, 2022
RIP Lou Hammann.
Laura McLane | Feb 21, 2022
Lou was my coach and friend. He officiated at my wedding, heard my challenging issues and opened employment opportunities for me. Lou listened, gave other viewpoints and encouraged. I know he sincerely cared for me and had my back. Miss him.
Charles (Darlene) Crosson | Feb 19, 2022