Help Michael Stay Connected to Family and Friends

A $30 donation to CaringBridge powers Michael’s site for one month. Will you make a gift to ensure that this stays online for them and for you?

Join the 25 donors who have made a donation in honor of Michael.

CHAP and JAN FABRY | Apr 14, 2020
Praying for you to get well Mike!
Fernandez Family | Apr 13, 2020
ABC's User Services team has you and your family in our thoughts and prayers.
Richard Hudson | Apr 13, 2020
We only know you through friends and family, but your story touches all of us in the greater Woolwich community. We are so very happy for your good news and pray for continued healing for Michael and strength and peace for his loved ones. Blessings.....
Bob and Ruth Hunt | Apr 10, 2020
Michael - you have overcome many obstacles in your life with tenacity and perseverance. This bout with covid-19 may be your greatest challenge yet, and I believe you will prevail yet again. Get well - a lot of people have been cheering for your recovery!
Dad | Apr 10, 2020
Sending prayers for Michael and his family. He is one of the strongest people I know and there is NO WAY he is going to let a virus beat him!
Denise Reed-Caltabiano | Apr 10, 2020
Continue prayers for Michael George. The Sullivan Family
Susan Kruse Sullivan | Apr 9, 2020
Janice, I just finished a 3-day novena to Our Lady of Mount Carmel for Michael, which is known to never fail. God bless you all. Eleanor, Pat and Diana Roderick.
eleanor roderick | Apr 9, 2020
Karen Zonar | Apr 8, 2020
We just prayed the Rosary for Michael , and more importantly for you his loving wife who is standing guard and making decisions. God is with you. Love the Quackenbush family.
Priscilla Quackenbush | Apr 8, 2020