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May 26-Jun 01

This Week

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I am hoping this is my last post because I am in remission, praise God!  Photo shows my ringing the bell after hopefully what was my last immunotherapy infusion.  Nathan flew in from Boston to ring it with me.

Because the cancer had spread to lymph nodes, parotid glands, even my right eye, and it was too late for surgery, all blood tests, PET scans, MRIs and dermatological screenings will continue for at least two years to catch early any melanoma cells that might have been missed and start to spread.  

Medical team also says it may take quite awhile for my energy to return, and I’m to keep my head covered and use mineral sunscreen; but those are very minor adjustments to maintain life!

When all this started, I had late-stage worst-case metastatic melanoma; and oncologists did not know if: 1) immunotherapy would work on the cancer, (but there was no other option), 2) if I could tolerate the immunotherapy for at least a year, and 3) if it would cause lifelong struggle with serious & permanent side effects.  All praise to God, I tolerated it well for over a year, have no bad side effects and all tests at this time indicate it has worked!  

I am so very grateful to each & every person who prayed for me, brought me food, photo-graphed the changes on my head, sent cards, texts & other messages of support.  I’ve been blessed with a supportive church in Immanuel Lutheran of St Charles and an army of prayer warriors.  My true Father has been with me every step of the way!  

I remember first time years ago when I read scripture, “Consider it pure joy whenever you face trials of many kinds.”  (James 1:2)  I confess I actually laughed to myself and thought about pain of child abuse, betrayals in marriage & family, Nathan’s health challenges as small child & more, and thought, “Pure joy, ha - will never happen!”

And I still haven’t grown enough in faith to experience that pure joy when I’m going through trials; but I have grown - thanks be to God - so that I experience gratitude when new trials occur for those very things in the past that hurt so badly.  This is because I have experienced Christ’s steadfast love & strength through each & every trial.  

That absolute knowledge of His faithfulness is blessing that goes beyond any earthly valuation and gives me the great gift of Peace when new trials occur. . . And so I have learned to trust Him, no matter what happens, and will continue to do so!  

Apparently, it’s not my time to go home to my true Father now - (and I might get to meet my grandchildren in this life); but I know whatever happens, I am safe with Him always and will be healed by Him in this life or the next!

So I thank & praise Him for the trials of life, which have brought me so much closer to Him.  For every person who prayed and/or reached out to me during this trial with cancer, I wish you the blessings of His Peace and trusting Him through all the trials of your life! 

A couple favorite verses I share with you in thanks:

“You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in you.” (Isaiah 26:3)

“Do not be anxious about anything but in everything, by prayer and petition, WITH THANKSGIVING, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. . .” (Philippians 4:6-7)

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