Pat’s Story

Site created on May 11, 2021

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Newest Update

Journal entry by Pat Forsyth

      I am very blessed and excited to report to all of you that I am now in full REMISSION!! Lemonade for everyone!  We were at KU on Wednesday, Dec. 8th and spent quite a bit of time with the BMT team doctor - Dr. Shunee. The cancer numbers that started out so high (218.73)  are now down to 1.25. She was as excited to tell us that as we were to hear it.  There are no multiple myloma cells anywhere!! The PET scan revealed no lesions/tumors anywhere from head to toe. And the bone marrow biopsy came back as normal.

      I will now go on a maintenance plan that will have me taking Revlamid at a very low dose for at least 5 years. That is one of chemotherapy drugs that they used when I first started on this journey. I will also start all my re-vaccinations at the 6 month checkup in February.  I will have to do all the childhood things (measles, mumps, rubella; diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough; polio) plus 2  flu  shots, covid, hepatitis 2, 2 shingles, and 2 pneumonia shots. They went ahead and gave me the first  flu shot and also the first covid vaccination. Since I lost all my immunity, I have to start over on the covid shots even though I had both of them in April. I will also have to do another bone marrow test in July/August, and then yearly for a few more years.  I will see my oncologist at monthly intervals where they will run all the labs each time. So we will continue to rack up the miles in 2022! Plus I can go out and about now, just have to use all the normal protocol stuff. I will continue to wear a mask whenever I go out for at least another few months or until the pandemic is truly over.

      My hair is starting to grow back in. Looks a little weird right now cuz it's not coming in very even, but I'm kinda getting used to it.  Sure saves a lot of time in the mornings! We found some temporary dye chalk sticks in rainbow colors for hair and I just may go back and get them just to have some fun.  It's amazing how cold your head gets with no hair -- how do all you bald headed guys do it???

      The neuropathy in my feet is getting better. The doctor gave me another drug to use and it has taken away all the intense tingling that was going on. The numbness is easing a bit. Also, I'm having fewer  sharp needle like pains.

      My strength and stamina is slowing getting better each day. I am feeling more and more like my old self again.

      Lyle and I  are so grateful for all prayers, support, and love that you all have shown us over the last 9 months.  Words can't express everything we feel.  I have said this before and I will say it again.  The cards, texts, emails, care packages, phone calls, and meals that were brought in were life savers, and I could not have done this journey without all of you. Plus, a special shout out to our kids, Tracy and Chad. They both made special trips to help us out with the house and yard, and held my hands just when I needed it the most. Thank you all again!!! 

      I probably won't do many more posts unless something major should happen so keep on making and drinking the lemonade!! Love you all!!😍 

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