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Jun 02-08

This Week

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From Rachel: What a busy few weeks it has been!!! Pat was discharged from the hospital on March 29th. It's been so wonderful have her home-- We have been her primary caregivers, which we learned very quickly is a 24/7 job. We have the living room set up with a hospital bed, and we are pretty much doing at home what would typically be done in the hospital. Arlon got a crash course on how to prepare and administer her TPN (a pretty complicated task that must be started each evening and disconnected each morning). It requires a sterile environment, extreme precision, and a steady hand-- Arlon is the perfect person to take on this responsibility. He also taught Shannon, who is a natural as well! The two of them have been giving her injections and performing regular checks on her glucose levels, temperature, blood pressure, etc... Pat really does need assistance with just about everything right now, so between giving her medical care and personal care (feeding, toileting, bathing, etc...), both Arlon and Shannon have been extremely busy and are very tired.  Full disclosure, it's intense. The level of care she needs is physically, mentally, and emotionally exhausting. We recognize that this pace is simply not sustainable, but right now our options are limited. We do have many dear friends and family who have offered to help, and we are so grateful. Thank you to those who have spent time at the house and dropped off meals-- Those simple acts of service and support have made more of a difference than you will ever know. We so appreciate knowing that we are not in this alone.  

Pat had her third chemo treatment on April 9th. She is scheduled for a scan in a little over a week to determine how the cancer has responded and if progress has been made. Please be praying for good news! We are also still waiting on additional testing to determine the primary source of the cancer-- Even the research hospitals who have looked at her biopsy haven't been able to give us any clear answers. We will continue to pursue this, though, because knowing the primary source could potentially open up other treatment options. The wait is hard. Waiting on the scan, waiting on a definitive diagnosis, waiting to see if the chemo is working... We're living in a bit of a question mark right now. That seems to be life, though, doesn't it? Lots and lots of unknown. During these times of stress and uncertainty, we cling to the truths in God's Word to get us through each and every day. He has been so faithful, and we know that He will continue to carry us through whatever the next weeks and months bring.

"Cast your burden upon the Lord and He will sustain you; He will never allow the righteous to be shaken."

Psalm 55:22

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