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Jun 16-22

This Week

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Hello friends and family!  Its been quite a while since I've updated this journal and I apologize.  I know a lot of you have been reaching out and praying for me, I thank you and you deserve an update.  Sometimes its hard to be vulnerable and write about.  Anyhow, a lot has happened since August.  I am happy to report that in October I had my ileostomy bag removed.  Talk about a game changer and confidence builder!  The reversal has improved my quality of life significantly.  

November was a great month.  The golf fundraiser was a huge success and I was able to visit and catch up with over 100 friends and family members.  It was a very special day.  The love and support from everyone was unbelievable.   I certainly feel blessed.  For those of you reading this that attended, thank you again!

In December I had a setback.  My CT scan had shown growth and progression.  It was the first time in a long time I had a negative scan.  After meeting with my oncologist he suggested three options.  1) continue with the current chemo medications and just do scans more frequently 2) switch up the chemo therapy medications or 3) try to get enrolled in a clinical trial.  I chose 3, clinical trial. 

I was lucky enough to get accepted in a trial, luckily here in San Antonio with my current medical group, The Start Center.  The trial began 1/8/21 and is a 12 week trial that uses immunotherapy rather than chemotherapy.  Unlike chemotherapy, which acts directly on cancerous tumors, immunotherapy treats patients by acting on their immune system. Immunotherapy can boost the immune response in the body as well as teach the immune system how to identify and destroy cancer cells.  These treatments stimulate the patient's own immune system to attack a disease, much like it would a virus or another foreign invader.  My particular regimen is taking a proven immunotherapy drug with an experimental drug in hopes of these two drugs working in concert to attack my cancer.  The side effects have included severe muscle and joint pains along with excessive chills (which have lasted hours) during the evenings in bed.  I've been battling these treatments head on with God's grace and strength.  

I have my next CT scan scheduled for March 18th.  I am asking for your prayers that the results are positive.  I humbly ask for your prayers as I truly believe in its power.  I have decided not to go back on chemotherapy, 26 treatments was enough.  As a result, if I get a negative report, I will be seeking alternative treatments overseas.  I have been vetting a center in Vienna, Austria and another in Cancun.  Although I'm not a fan of living in another country for a couple months or paying that tab to me its the logical next step.  Upon a positive report, I will continue with the trial.

At the end of the day I feel graced for His test.  I'm old enough to remember early television programming routinely interrupted by a 30 second test of "the emergency broadcast system."  Those tests are a lot like the ones that come into our lives; unscheduled, unwelcome and they always seem to come at the worst possible time.  But unlike television test patterns, life’s tests don’t last for thirty seconds then go away. No, they can last for weeks, years, and in some cases, for a lifetime.  And the reason why may never be completely clear to you.  In my case, this test has lasted a little over 14 months.  However, there’s an aspect of the test you can control—how you respond to it.  The truth is, tests are an invaluable, integral, and indispensable part of your spiritual growth. Without them you’ll never grow and mature as much as you need to.  So don't give up!  I'm not!!!

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