Help Peter Stay Connected to Family and Friends

A $30 donation to CaringBridge powers Peter’s site for one month. Will you make a gift to ensure that this stays online for them and for you?

Join the 25 donors who have made a donation in honor of Peter.

We love you Pastor Pete and we are pushing for you!!!
Love, Tom And Debbie Tracy | Mar 14, 2023
We continue to lift up Pastor Pete to the Throne of Grace asking for mercy in his time of need, so is our church. Love you both very much! Heidi and Mike Palombi
Heidi and Mike Palombi | Mar 14, 2023
Peter, Amy and I are praying that almighty God will protect and sustain you through this time of medical treatment and restore you to full health and strength. May the Lord's comfort and peace abide with you and Sue.
Love, Warren & Amy Huber | Feb 28, 2023
Hi Pete, you are in my thoughts and prayers . You have made a positive difference in my life as a brother in Christ. Your kindness and mentorship at MSM in class and true strength is something I will always cherish. Godspeed and continued prayers!
David Adamo | Feb 27, 2023
Hi Pete! Praying faithfully for your healing! Isaiah 43:1-4,
Linda R Witte | Feb 25, 2023
Pastor Pete Been thing a lot about you all today I ask God for his unending love and healing. For the whole family I know our God is the great physician and the master of healing that's my prayer for you all God speed With love Pearl
Pearl Beatty-Buchanan | Feb 24, 2023
Hi Pastor Pete! Glad to see that 'High Five' and big winning smile! I am praying for you always and as Max Lucado's book title says 'You'll Get Through This'. Looking forward to seeing you when you feel better!
Eileen Glenn | Feb 24, 2023
Pete & Sue ~ You know how much we love you ... if only LOVE were enough to remove the pain and suffering. Like our love, our prayers for you will never cease.
With forever LOVE ~ Soni & MG | Feb 23, 2023
Sending love and prayers!
Merry Jusiewicz | Feb 20, 2023
So, so praying you through this journey
Jessica Davie | Feb 15, 2023