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Jun 16-22

This Week

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It is with deep gratitude and humility that we write again to update you all, our loving family, friends, and many of you continuing to pray so faithfully for our little man.

We just returned from a last minute trip to the NW to visit both sides of our family, driving over 2000 miles round trip. It was pure joy to be up there in the summer and Owen's improvement can be seen even by the ability for us to make such a drive.

Much has happened since our last update in December, as you can imagine. Owen completed an EEG in February and another MRI in March. Both tests went without incident and came back CLEAR!  This was incredible news to hear from his neurosurgeon - no evidence of remaining cyst in his brain.  Praise God!  I believe an MRI will be needed yearly for a while to check on his status.  The good results regarding the EEG meant we were able to finally wean Owen off the anti-seizure medication (one less med to take each day!). This was especially encouraging to confirm what we thought - there was no seizure activity or irregularities in his brain.  We also were so excited to safety wean Owen off of Keppra because we felt it was affecting his attitude and demeanor.  This has seemed true.  He seems more cheerful, more stable in his emotions, and definitely more energy and motivation to move about.

That transitions into his "moving about" progress :). We have seen God slowly but surely grow his determination and ability to move around. When he came home from the hospital in late September, he would sit on us or on the floor, not moving from his seat unless we moved him.  That grew to slowly standing up on his own by a couch/bed and scooting along that stable object. One of the biggest moments of awe and excitement was the day he moved on his own from one room to the next. I think he was in his own room playing happily but then decided he was done missing out on the activity in the living room. Seeing his little head peak around the corner and his chubby arms working so hard to crawl over to us - wow - thank you Lord!  And that desire to move and crawl and walk has increased in new ways each day for which we are so incredibly thankful. He has been approved for weekly physical and speech therapy.

Many of you have been praying for his sleeping. We are so thankful to report that he is a wonderful sleeper now, hardly ever gets up in the night or wee hours of the morning.  That area for which was such a struggle when we came home has really resolved and it is good to stop and reflect on how God has faithfully heard and answered our/your prayers. 

Owen's medication regime has largely stayed the same (minus the anti-seizure med) and we have adjusted to giving him those meds both at home and while out and about.  

As Owen comes to your mind, here are ways we humbly ask you to continue to praise the Lord and to pray:

1) Please pray for us to continue to adjust as a family to this new normal. The girls have adjusted courageously to our new home dynamic with much focus needed on Owen.  He can be very needy for focused attention and is quite loud/screams when he doesn't get what he wants.  We are working with him on this. But we have also asked and the girls have stepped up big time in their help around the home and even taking some turns during the day to play with Owen so I can finish a meal or task.

2) As we finished our homeschool in early June, we reflect on how much the Lord provided in tangible help in our home during this school year. We could NOT have schooled our children well without the weekly help of a few ladies (you know who you are!) and the incredible help of others to step in here and there for doctor visits, hanging with the girls, making grocery runs, etc.  Our church family specifically has been the hands and feet of Jesus to us and we are humbled by the willingness of so many to come alongside us.

3) Even though Owen continues to grow in height, his body is still not producing sufficient growth hormone for good overall health. We started the process with insurance about 2 months ago and have been denied multiple times. As I write this post, we JUST found out that he was finally approved and should begin this hormone in the next week or two. The growth hormone should provide more growth in height for Owen, but also help to activate his metabolism and thus promote a more lean body mass (weight gain is a real battle for Owen). Praise God for his perfect timing of when this was approved and we would ask for prayer that Owen's body would adjust to the nightly injections safely and effectively.

4) Please pray for us to make wise decisions for Owen as we walk through our first SoCal summer post-surgery. His body is having difficulty adjusting to the heat so we are generally staying in the AC much of the day.  So thankful FOR air conditioning and at the ability to keep our home cool.

5). Most importantly, please pray Christ would be honored through this trial and journey he has set before us.  I pray often before I lay Owen down that God would keep him safe in the night and that he would give us faith for whatever comes.  The future is unclear and we don't know what is coming, which can be a frightening thought as I hold our son in my arms.  AND YET, we know God has and he will give us strength to endure whatever trial he brings. He has never left our side - has been a constant comforter and keeper to our souls and to our children. As we look forward to each day, we know God's grace will be sufficient to carry us.

Thank you again for your faithful prayers, for your loving questions, for your interest in our family.  We are thankful to be able to share with you through this means. And we know we are not the only ones walking through deep waters.  As you walk in the path God has seen fit for you, we pray for YOU that Christ would increase as you decrease and that he would be your Comforter, Guide, Shepherd, and King.   

With much love, Micah and Audrey

Attached is a family video - welcome to our crazy. :). You can see how much Owen has grown in his mobility and is inspired by music and his dancing sisters.

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