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Jun 16-22

This Week

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As many of you have probably been wondering the MRI results on the 16th were not what we were praying for.  Mya's tumor is continuing to grow despite the 3 chemotherapies we have tried so far.  When they talked to Mya about this, she responded, "well at least I'm still here so I can fight.  I'm not giving up."  On that Monday we immediately began the new chemotherapy regimen of Irinotecan and Avastin.  She was at the hospital for approximately 8 hours receiving chemotherapy.  This regimen makes her much sicker.  More vomiting and headaches and overall not feeling well, but on the bright side she gets a week off between treatments.  She was excited about that.  She received her 2nd dose of this chemo yesterday and again she has been very sick.  We are trying to keep her sleeping as much as possible, so she isn't as sick.  She is still doing IV fluids at home at night to help keep her hydrated while she is sick and to assist with lessening the nausea a bit too.  Last weekend she was lucky enough to play on Leia's softball team in a tournament and all of the girls had a fabulous day, even Mya.  She hit every time she was up to bat and she seems to be regaining a bit of her coordination and balance back after being toxic from the Vincristine.  They walked away with 1st PLACE!!!  To say they were excited would be an understatement.  The next day Mya was supposed to have another softball tournament with her class and it unfortunately got rained out.  Instead of playing softball the team decided to have an end of season party at AirFX, where the surprised Mya with new Mya Strong Tshirts that all had their numbers on them.  The intent was to play softball in them, but they jumped as a team in them instead.  :-)  A huge thank you to the Houts family, John and Jamie at Cutting Edge Graphics, and the entire softball team family for making this all happen.  We are so blessed to have such wonderful people in our lives that think of things like this, take time to set up events to brighten Mya's day, send a small gift or card, or just tell her they are cheering her on.  Mya is down for the count today, sick this morning still and sleeping right now, but is hoping she wakes up feeling better because she wants to go to school tomorrow to be with her friends.  It is also Homecoming week, so I am sure she wants to partake in those activities as well.  Mya's next MRI will be in December.  Until then, the plan is to continue this chemo every other week and pray her heart and kidneys tolerate it okay and her tumor not so much.  She needs good news.  She is fighting so stinking hard.  Mya has another softball tournament this weekend with Leia's team on Sunday in Dubuque and she is looking forward to that.  She also has Volleyball this Thursday and next Tuesday and Thursday.  Not to mention gymnastics.  :-)  Busy girl, but she loves it and misses it when she can't do it.  

Thank you to all of you for your continued support and prayers.


Brooke, David, Mya, Leia, Ella, Tate, James, and Pria

P.S.  I haven't reminded in a while.  If you donate to Caring Bridge on here it is going to their website, not to us.  We have a had a few people donate thinking it is going to us and it is not.  Thank you!

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