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Jun 02-08

This Week

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Dear family and friends, 

I have spent a humbling and emotional morning re-reading all the posts - yours and mine - found on this site.  

I was truly surprised to see that it has been one year to the day since I wrote that first entry.  Not my intention, just a poignant coincidence.

I don’t think I can find the words to express how grateful I am to be able say after all that has taken place,  we are well - in every  way that matters most.

Nor will I EVER be able to fully express, evidently, my deepest appreciation for the web of good will that wove itself around our bewildered, floundering and deeply fragile hearts

 I have had a whole year to do so, but still feel as though I haven’t  managed it yet.

 I am happy to report that Mike is one month shy of his heart transplant anniversary and with the possible exception of a mysteriously persistent anemia, he is a best case scenario for the good folks (and their statisticians) at the Fairfax INOVA Heart and Vascular Institute - Transplant Center - a truly remarkable  facility.

And not just because I think so.
It just really, really is.

In a recent video address by former ICAR Director Dr.. Shashank Desai to  transplant patients we learned that in 2021 there were 3817 heart transplants in all of North America.

 137  in the Commonwealth of Virginia 

Of those  137 -   56 took place at ICAR .

A record high as it turns out.

Michael was lucky number 13.

Our proximity to this hospital  accounts for  much of our good fortune this year, something we may have taken for granted initially but never again.

At the very start , one year ago tomorrow February 10th, Dr. Desai was visiting a patient in the next  room when Mike had  yet another silent heart attack, It may have  been his third or fourth, possibly fifth - no one knows.

In any event, this one caused Michael to code.  

Luckily  Dr. Desai  was on hand to attend  

As a result of his presence at that critical time  and through a series of remarkably timed interventions, Mike’s transplant candidacy - and subsequent heart transplant - took place at the fastest clip possible.

Which , of course, saved his life

We continue to perceive the six week sprint past inexplicably dodged “bullets”  to successful transplant and recovery as nothing short of a miracle. 

Michael’s  various ventricular ruptures (septum and upper left - free wall) placed him in the “less than 1% survivability” category so we honestly cannot think of a better description.
I sincerely hope you know by now that heart disease remains the  number one killer in America, much of it preventable. 

And  although women account for nearly half of all diagnosed cases  they are in the vast minority when it comes to either allowing, receiving or recovering from a transplant.

I wonder why that is?
I wonder even more, what can be done about it?

If you are reading this, man or woman,  I implore you to take honest stock of your overall heart health. 

For your own good, please make that doctor appointment, especially the one  you think you will get around to - one day. 

Keep it. 

Healthy eating and regular exercise are not enough, genes play a surprisingly powerful role in all this.
Mike is proof positive of that.

Proactively request appropriate scans.

 Or maybe request a referral for a relatively inexpensive Calcium Screen - a good way to begin to  predict future problems.

Please do anything you can  to improve the current state of your health, bit by bit - day by day.

Let Michael’s story be a cautionary tale.

If it prompts you, or someone you know,  to take the germinal action that prevents a heart health crisis, then I will be happy to think we have done at least SOMETHING  of true value for you in return.

With all love and thanksgiving, please take good care of yourself and each other, heartfully 💕

Blessings on us all.


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