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Jun 02-08

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It has been way too long since we posted anything on CaringBridge - nearly a year ago was our last post!  In the last year, Michael has had check up appointments with Dr. Vose in Omaha in June, September and most recently in April.  After the September appointment, Dr. Vose moved Michael to 6 month check ups rather than 3 months.  Each appointment, Michael had labs done and Dr. Vose would check his lymph node regions to make sure she couldn’t feel any concerns. 

We love CaringBridge and the way it can update so many of you in a short amount of time.  We are so grateful for your concern and care for our family.  If you’re like us, whenever a new CaringBridge notification comes across from someone you hadn’t heard from in a while . . . it probably made your heart skip a beat wondering why there is an update.  We wish we could say this is just another positive update but unfortunately our April appointment began some new concern. 

On April 17, Michael had one level from his bloodwork that was concerningly high to Dr. Vose.  We met with Dr. Vose that afternoon and after thorough examination, she could not feel any issues in Michael’s lymph node regions.  This bloodwork level is very nonspecific and could mean nothing.  With not being able to feel anything concerning, Dr. Vose recommended we re-check the level in another 4 weeks and go from there.  On May 17, that same level was tested and resulted as higher than before. Dr. Vose recommended we come do a CT Scan to see what might be hidden.  Michael had the CT Scan last week and the results showed new growth in the upper abdominal area.  In order to find out whether this new growth is cancerous or not and where it was the worst, they scheduled a PET Scan.

Yesterday morning, Michael had the PET Scan and the initial results showed that there is likely cancer in his upper abdominal area – a little higher in his abdominal region than last time. We are headed back to Omaha tonight for an early morning check in for a fine needle biopsy tomorrow. Biopsy results can take a week to finalize.   The biopsy will tell us exactly what his body is fighting and can create the discussion for plans going forward. 

“The LORD is trustworthy in all He promises and faithful in all He does.  The LORD is righteous in all His ways and faithful in all He does.  The LORD is near to all who call on Him, to all who call on Him in truth.”  (Psalm 145:13, 17, 18)

As you all know, this is not the road we want to be on again. Yet, we know the Lord establishes our steps and there is nothing that takes Him by surprise.  Our family is taking each moment one step at a time.  No doubt, this time of waiting and unknown is most definitely the hardest – reminding ourselves of Truth each and every moment and battling fear with that Truth.  It is the LORD who is trustworthy, righteous and faithful in all He does.  We can always trust in that faithfulness.  May this new hardship, whatever it is, be another testimony to His goodness - in the good and the bad, He is always faithful.  

Over the past couple of days, I've been reminded of the provision of God, specifically looking at the book of Exodus and the way the LORD provides for His people.  Imagine being one of those Israelites, growing up in slavery and only knowing slavery from the Egyptians and then one day you are free.  The LORD had shown you and everyone in Egypt His awesome power with ten different plagues on the Egyptians and you are leaving your slavery for freedom.  Imagine the joy and the trust it would have given in the LORD as they all left - Exodus 14:8 says "the Israelites were marching out boldly".  Yet, soon after leaving, the Israelites were being pursued by Pharaoh and "as Pharaoh approached, the Israelites looked up, and there were the Egyptians, marching after them.  They were terrified and cried out to the LORD." 

How quickly we can forget . . . Right after the Israelites had left the Egyptians, they were not alone - Exodus 13:21-22 - "By day the LORD went ahead of them in a pillar of cloud to guide them on their way and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light . . . neither the pillar of cloud by day nor the pillar of fire by night left its place in front of the people."  We know the LORD's presence by cloud or by fire never left them and yet when the Israelites looked up . . . they were terrified.  After complaining to Moses why he had led them out of Egypt, as Pharaoh and his great army were about to destroy the Israelites who were trapped, Moses commands, "Do not be afraid.  Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the LORD will bring you today.  The Egyptians you see today you will never see again.  The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still."  Exodus 14:14  The Israelites had looked up and seen the Egyptians and their great army and had forgotten that all they needed to do was look up even more and be reminded of the Great Yahweh who would fight for them, they must only remain still.  I love how when the Egyptians are pursuing after the Israelites into the Red Sea, Exodus 14:24 says, "the LORD looked down".  What a great reminder that every single circumstance of our lives, the LORD looks down on us.  We have not been forgotten.  He will always go before us and prepare the way.  

I'd be lying if there were not times in the last week where I 'looked up' and was afraid of cancer.  Only by His Spirit am I quickly reminded to look and see the great pillar of fire and reminded that I must only remain still.  Every single circumstance of my life, the LORD looks down on me (and you).  I have not been forgotten and must only remain still and trust the LORD.  As the Israelites crossed the Red Sea on dry ground, they were reminded again of the way that God provided for them.  Soon after, they would forget again to trust in the Lord as they were thirsty and hungry . . . but the LORD will remind them of His greatness in each event and even better … He never leaves them.  

I don't know if the LORD will be gracious to me in this next fight of cancer by healing it or not but I do know I must only be still and trust Him.  We have full confidence in His power to save me from this fight and full confidence that through it we will trust in Him. 

How you can be praying for our family:

1) Praise God for the ability to find out what is going on through scans and the biopsy. Pray that the findings would be clear. 
2) Pray for patience as we wait for results. Pray that we would keep our eyes fixed on Him and not on the worries of cancer. 
3) Pray that Michael’s body would be healed. 
4) Pray for Dr. Vose, the team of other doctors and our nurses as they determine best ‘next steps’ and plans. Pray the Lord would lead their team to make the right decisions.
5) Pray for our family as we travel to Omaha and back with more appointments. 

We are so grateful for all of you who have loved on us and supported us with encouragement and prayer the last two years. We will stay in touch and provide updates often here. Never be afraid to reach out by calling, texting, messaging, etc. 

With Love and Thankfulness, 
Michael, Maria & Family

Pictures: Some updated pictures of our family. We’ve had lots of great times in the field together this spring. ❤️

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