Help Michael Stay Connected to Family and Friends

A $30 donation to CaringBridge powers Michael’s site for one month. Will you make a gift to ensure that this stays online for them and for you?

Join the 6 donors who have made a donation in honor of Michael.

In memory of Michael Stanka. May he rest in peace.
David Vanko | Dec 23, 2019
Anna | Dec 23, 2019
You are in our prayers. Bryce says 'hi'.
The Muneses Family | Dec 17, 2019
Katherine - so thinking of you and Michael- hugs and prayers to you and Michael
Jackie | Dec 10, 2019
Just caught up with your status, Michael, and wanted you to know have been praying for you and will continue to do so. God bless
Jo Ann Padgett | Nov 29, 2019
This is a tribute to the tenacity of my husband and to the wonderful people who have cared for him. Thanks too for Caring Bridge as it has made communication with family, friends and colleagues so much easier.
Katherine Stanka | Nov 28, 2019