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Jun 09-15

This Week

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Sitting around waiting for your body to heal can be...boring. Matt and I were both so grateful at how far he's come and the fact that he was home, but last week his numbers just weren't budging. And while he was becoming more active around the house, it just seemed like his healing was going to take forever. Would he ever be able to return to work??

His boredom showed through in his sarcasm. He was getting a little snarky, so I finally gave him a little snark back. That night he actually thanked me for "fighting" with him because he needed to get some energy out. LOL. Weird how the body works. 

On Saturday, I had some house projects to work on, and Matt actually helped with a few things I couldn't do myself. He climbed up on a ladder and used the drill. He lifted two bicycles over his head to hang them up in the garage. He ran a saw.  Then I realized...

My husband was lying in the ICU only 8 days before, and now he's on the floor running a saw. Granted, he's still hooked up to oxygen, and needed a 20 minute break after each task, but he's still running a saw. 

I had to take a step back and look at the big picture. Yes, his numbers weren't budging, but he IS definitely growing stronger. Praise God for healing my husband! 

"Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. For the Lord is good and his love endures forever." Psalms 100:5a

I have been in prayer a lot this past month, but God has been pressing on my heart to follow Psalms 100:5. Begin my prayers with thanksgiving and praise because He is so good! What a kind and loving Father to bless our family with the healing of my husband! 

After speaking to my mom (a nurse) and a doctor from church, Matt has tried "experimenting" with turning his oxygen down a bit. At first it didn't seem to take and he had to turn it back up. But he tried a couple times yesterday, and suddenly his body responded. His numbers were actually ok on slightly less oxygen. He went down again and his saturation numbers actually seemed to go up a little! It was  shocking to see. 

Matt sees his primary doctor today and a pulmonologist tomorrow. We continue to pray for a full and complete healing so Matt can return to work. Thank you again for all your prayers! We are so grateful and continue to be overwhelmed at the outpouring of love we have received. 

"God is able to do far more than we could ever ask or imagine." Ephesians 3:20a NIRV

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