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Jun 02-08

This Week

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It’s been a minute since my last post.

So much to say and not quite sure how to say it all…..And because my sleeping has sucked blue ribbon boar balls, this post might be a bunch of random thoughts.

  • Mom is making strides. Her Physical Therapist seems to really care about her recovery and is making her work hard.💪
  • Ortho surgeon is pleased with the way her bones are healing.
  • Her ❤️❤️PCP (she’s the best BTW) is monitoring all the other things and I could rant about the shitty ear doctor or the rude rib doctor office, but hey we all now about the broken health care system…right?
  • She just came clean and told me about some other of her ‘conditions’ and is starting to deal with them…so she’s been scolded about not sharing all the deets. 🥴
  • Trauma therapists are on deck helping us navigate thru this pain. All of us.
  • JoJo fancy pants has hit the ‘terrible twos’. We survived and went to Puppy School; but this little stinker is so full of energy and still needs lots of training. The trainers need lots of training…teaching two old ladies new tricks with clicks and Fanny pack with a smorgasbord of treats is new way for us. (Who’s idea was JoJo?🤦‍♀️)
  • If you like to walk a pseudo-trained puppy, please come visit JoJo. He loves walks. Mama can’t do it yet and folks doing it for a living are getting a dollar a minute! 😳
  • Project writing thank you’s is underway. This is quite the undertaking and therapeutic…however, the stress of gathering addresses is no fun but to think about an updated address book is exciting.😳
  • Project going through Papa’s clothes is underway. Wow, that’s a longer story than I wanna type, but I’ve learned he had quite the tshirt collection. He was something. He was the best clothes folder and so organized. I’m also going to be up cycling slot of tshirts and look for them on the auction block soon.😎
  • Gibson and Daisy continue to be the shining light and bring smiles to all of us.
  • Jeremy’s mobile food business has been full on throttle all season. His Holy Biscuits at the downtown farmers market are heavenly and sell out every week. The festivals he’s been too all over the US; overall; have been successful. He’s learning what concepts work. His latest creation, Chubbies; fried chicken and fries, got a fancy award at Hinterland music festival this year. And his cherry on the sundae is getting a stand at the Iowa State Fair and now he’s headed to Clay County Fair in September.
  • My business, Mo’rub and Mo’ have flourished and have some new partners (hotels, comedy clubs and golf courses) sell more than any silly grocery store…. But we have exciting news that we’re gonna share soon; so stay tuned.
  • I share about our businesses because really we are the Family Grind. My folks for the last twelve years have supported us beyond words to be successful, with post-it note IOUs for cash, lending a hand whenever we were short staffed, and papa did half of my deliveries, etc. We have felt them lift us up in spirit and I can hear my dad daily barking and being his Archie Bunker self. Mom missed not running the coffee shop, but we made her proud…her cold brew could win awards.

How am I doing you ask, being the oldest child trying to keep it together?

I’m fine. I’m not fine. This sucks.

When Joshua passed suddenly and without warning, it rocked our family to the core. It changed us forever. Sure, we have learned how to move on and we keep Josh’s spirit alive on the daily. But it takes time. I keep telling mom, we are not even at six months and you’re not using that walker and they said you’d have that walker for 6-9 months!!! She’s walking with a cane or crutch!

When we talk about goals and life planning, I’m the queen. I pull out giant poster boards and doodle thoughts and dreams.

As we start the purging-downsizing-shifting-moving process… it’s gonna be real fun to see where and how this all goes down.

Save the Date:
Our ‘yard’ SALE of 2022 is slated for September 30- until it’s all gone (or we have enough $$ for a fun family trip during the holidays)

Ok, that’s enough random thoughts.

Blessings to all of you and love to those that continue to drop in, send a note, and love on our family.

We are grateful and thankful that our colony of friends and family, we’re the lucky ones.

Onward and Upward-


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