Marissa’s Story

Site created on February 23, 2023

Thank you so much for supporting me along this mental wellness journey. I've had my ups and downs and I appreciate you all for your love and support you have been showing me. Stay up to date on here for my recovery as I am trying to limit my social media time. 

Newest Update

Journal entry by Marissa Baylerian

Hi everyone!! I hope you all are doing very well!! It’s been awhile since I’ve posted an update so I thought I would give you all one. :)

Things have been going pretty well! Of course I’ve had my difficult days, but it’s through those days that I’m growing stronger. They aren’t “bad” days. I used to think that a hard day was a bad day but that’s quite far from the truth. In fact, every day is a good day. It’s all how you look at it. Some days may be easier than others, but it’s on the hard days that really develops your character, and that’s what makes it a good day. Trust me, on those days I’ve needed to reach out to my support system more times than not, but then again that’s what the healing journey is all about. 

So here I am, on a stationary bike, at the YMCA telling you how thankful I am for my life! It’s been a long time coming but I am so thankful it’s here. 🥹 It’s like the walls are falling down and I’m just standing in amazement. 

Last night was a huge turning point for me. Well actually the day before that too. I’ll tell you why. It’s interesting how God works. On Saturday I was having a difficult morning/early afternoon so I decided to combat that by doing some behavioral activation. I decided that I was going to clean my room, do a real good spring cleaning. And let’s not forget the basement either. So here I was, getting rid of what was old, and by old I mean clothes, books, decorations, you name it. Oh and let’s not forget I threw away most of my mental health material. Yes, you read that right. I. Threw. It. Away.! 
You may be wondering why on earth I would be throwing all of that useful material away, material that had cost me hundreds of thousands of dollars. (Thank goodness for insurance!!!) Well, you see, it’s not that I didn’t find the material useful, because I sure did, but I didn’t want to hold onto that identity anymore. My identity is not based on my mental health or mental illness, it’s based on my Lord Jesus Christ. He is the one who can take a person almost kissing the shadow of death, to be raised to life again and find joy in all of it. So in the trash went the last 7 years. For those of you still worried about this decision, don’t worry, I still kept some material in case I needed a brush up. 

So here is where last night (Sunday) comes into play. My mom and I went to see the beautiful Lysa TerKeurst at her “I’m going to make it” tour. The focus was on ridding of our former way of life and putting on the new. I couldn’t believe my eyes and ears! The one thing I literally did the day before, she was talking about! I knew without a doubt it was the Lord talking to me. Friends, I’m tired of living in the past. I’m keeping my eyes straight ahead and on Jesus Christ! To Him be the glory! 

Until next time, 


P.S. My mom and I took a selfie together at the event. Isn’t she gorgeous?!? ☺️

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