Maria’s Story

Site created on June 14, 2023

On June 21, I will be having open heart surgery. It will be to resect an ascending aortic aneurysm, and the doctor will also do some work to my right and left atrium.  We have received so much support and love. Ron and I thought that this would be a good way to be able to update everyone during this journey. My sister, Teresa, will be monitoring and updating the site during the initial postop period. 
As many of you know, my husband, Ron, has many very serious health issues. I would ask that in addition to praying for my medical team and a successful surgery and a quick recovery, please also pray for Ron’s safety during this time.  
There are really no words that can express the depth of my and Ron’s appreciation for all of the love, support, and prayers we are receiving. It means the world to us!
Love to all 💜

Newest Update

Journal entry by Maria Ingino

It has been quite a long time since I have provided an update.  I hope everyone’s 2024 is off to a good start.
I was waiting to post until I had some more information. Then, when I got more information, I’ve been sort of processing it. So, starting from mid-December . . . 
I did another course of steroids and they gave me antibiotics in mid December. It was kind of a let’s throw several things at this cough and see if anything sticks.  My cough had really plateaued at the end of November and beginning of December. In addition to the steroids and the antibiotics, the pulmonologist also decided to get a chest CT without contrast. There was a small “nodule“ in my right upper lung.  The radiologist recommended repeating the CT with contrast. Dr. M (the pulmonologist) and I had a long discussion.  She wanted to wait 4 to 6 weeks to get the CT with contrast because the nodule was “very, very small.” I asked her if she thought that perhaps it was artifact or may be scar tissue. She said that it was definitely not artifact and she didn’t think it was scar tissue but that was a possibility. Her thought process in waiting 4 to 6 weeks was to give this nodule time to change and/or declare itself.  So, on January 25 I had the CT with contrast. We did it at five weeks, split the difference.
This CAT scan showed that the nodule had “minimal growth”, according to the radiologist.  Dr. M thought that the nodule was “basically the same size.”  She got in touch with the cardiac surgeon and asked him to take a look at it and see what his thoughts were about doing either a needle biopsy, or a bronchoscopy with a biopsy.  He and I had a phone conversation. He felt that an argument could be made either way . . . if the nodule was the same size or if it had grown slightly, emphasis on the word slightly. His recommendation was to repeat the CAT scan with contrast in 3 to 4 months.  Dr. M said she was comfortable with that. 
Last spring, spring of 2023, very dear friend of mine, who is also a nurse, advocated for herself and lung cancer was found very early.  She had surgery which her surgeon feels was curative (Please God let it be so), because it was found so early.  I discussed my friend’s situation with the surgeon. He thought about it for a minute, and said that he felt that my nodule is so small that doing some thing invasive, even for diagnostic purposes, the risks would outweigh the benefits at this point. I have a lot of thoughts and mixed emotions about that.  The surgeon quickly followed up with, “we are not turning you loose. This is definitely something that needs to be monitored. He said we will repeat the CAT scan in April or May with contrast and then will have another conversation and see what the nodule has or has not done and how we should proceed.” So . . . Holding pattern for now.  
I know that some of you have heard about this and I greatly appreciate all of your love and support and prayers! Each and every one of you have been so important to me during my recovery from the heart surgery and during this crazy post op time.  I could never say it enough, but I mean it from the bottom of my heart. I appreciate each of you, so much, your words of support, your prayers and your concern. It means the world to Ron and I.
P.S . . . A few of you who are following this CaringBridge site are from California . . . I hope this doesn’t offend you, but, go Chiefs! 😉
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