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Jun 09-15

This Week

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Emmanuel- God with us

Big News for Madison!

In short- post surgery news:

- All tumors were successfully removed!

- There was no trace of cancer in any of Madison’s Lymph Nodes

- The chemotherapy worked so well on the tumors that the largest had shrunk from 2.8cm to 4mm! The initial scan before surgery said that the tumors had grown but in reality it was just inflammation around where the tumor had been!! 

- Madison does not have to take any more forms of chemo! She will be on tamoxifen (a hormone blocking pill) for five years.

- Final steps is 20 rounds of radiation- She started this right before thanksgiving, and with the gracious help of her doctors will finish in time to be home for Christmas 😊  

- As of today only three more to go!

There is a lot to celebrate and as we move into the season of Christmas we get to remember the hope that we have with us. I titled this Emmanuel, God with Us- because I think I speak for Madison and our entire family that we truly believe Jesus has been with us every step of Madison’s journey.

As Christians we are not promised a good life, but instead Jesus says in John 16:33 that “in this world you will have trouble…” There will be trouble in some form. For Madison it has been her experience with breast cancer. But there is Hope in the One who is with us! Luckily for us, Jesus did not leave us without hope in that verse. “I have told you these things, so that in ME you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

Madison is in the final stages of her journey with cancer. She is HEALED! God has been faithful throughout this process. Though in this world we do face troubles, we serve a God that empathizes for us and is with us through the journey.  No matter what we face.

In a sermon recently by Timothy TA Ateek, I was reminded of what is means to have a God who is with us

-          God is doing something even we do not see it

-          God deeply cares about our Joy

-          God’s Plan A is better than our plan A

-          God is Faithful

These reminders we have seen through out Madison’s journey, He has been doing something throughout this journey, we have seen His deep care for us though so many different avenues, we trust God’s plan for Madison is better that what she had planned, and we have seen His faithfulness play out in many many different ways!

Now just two more rounds until we get to celebrate the official END! We will celebrate as a family, and we pray you do the same. Remember over this Christmas season that we have a God who loves us, sees us in our suffering, and has provided the way of hope in the midst of our sufferings through Jesus Christ. We love you all and are forever grateful for you support in the midst of Madison’s journey.




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