Lyle’s Story

Site created on March 4, 2024

Welcome to Lyle's CaringBridge website. We are sad to share that we now know Lyle is battling incurable brain cancer. We are using this site to keep family and friends across the country updated in one place with medical news and tangible needs for Mary and Lyle. This site is also a convenient place to encourage them directly as they continue to navigate through Lyle's treatment.  

Take some time to leave a note of encouragement or consider a way to help while you read through Lyle's story in the journal.  Scroll to the bottom to see the first update titled "March 4th, 2024 | Hard News" if you are new to following Lyle's medical journey.

Our entire family appreciates your support and words of hope and encouragement in this hard new season. If you are looking for additional ways to help, please reach out to Megan Odegaard, Lyle's daughter-in-law, who is managing this site and can be reached at (757) 663-3285. Thank you for visiting.

Newest Update

Journal entry by Megan Odegaard

So far, Lyle has completed two of the first three weeks of treatment. Despite the celebration we feel for this, we also are experiencing the tough sludge of plainly - battling cancer. As the patient, he has begun to show signs of the expected fatigue and regularly feels the effect of temporary fogginess due to the radiation. These will continue to increase until 2 weeks following the end of the radiation sessions. Lyle mourns the ability to enjoy his grandchildren for longer than a few precious minutes before his energy is depleted. Naps are much more necessary. 

The entire family is adjusting to the new sanitation and immune protection guidelines. We try to accommodate his additional needs as we still arrange visits and gatherings. Nearing a loss, we work to craft moments for new memories with the youngest among us while resharing aged memories with the oldest. Family pictures are being captured. Plane tickets are being purchased. Each family member is coping in their own unique way.

Just a mere 6 weeks into this journey, the first medical bills have arrived after insurance. Mary and Lyle are still setting pieces in place for an adjusted end of life. Home improvement projects are happening. Distant friends are just now hearing the news.

Treating cancer is a really a long, multi-faceted battle we solider on together as a network of people who each share a connection with the one front line invasion. It makes sense when we stop to reflect why we all are just feeling so tired.

Yet, a joyous song is still in the background to this marching drum.  Lyle is two weeks down in a strenuous treatment plan. God is preserving his life and providing sweet time with all the kids and grandkids. Many cookies are disappearing. In our hearts, we all wonder at the future days prayerfully.

In the midst of this period, the Odegaards offer our thanks for the care, support and resources this community has provided. This first wave has hit hard, but we recall your presence and prayers and they encourage us.

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