Help Lydia Stay Connected to Family and Friends

A $30 donation to CaringBridge powers Lydia’s site for one month. Will you make a gift to ensure that this stays online for them and for you?

Join the 5 donors who have made a donation in honor of Lydia.

My dear Lydia, I just heard the news, And Pray that God of course is with you And we'll see you through this! You are a beautiful loving woman.. I will love to schedule coming to see you and bring whatever I can't for Dave and Eli. Love your Nona Mary
Love knew not Mary | Dec 31, 2023
The Seattle cheer squad is just catching up on the latest on Lydia's no good, very bad adventure! No surprise that her big positive outlook is already turning the path around in the direction of a win! Go Lydia! We're cheering for you every day!
Sandra Carlson | Dec 29, 2023
Sending lots of love and positive thoughts and prayers your way.
Autnie Barbara | Dec 19, 2023
Dearest Cuz, Reaching out to say your an amazing human you've got this and we all have you in our thoughts and prayers here in OZ. Love you! Lots of Love to Dave and Eli
Georgina Delios | Dec 12, 2023
mike palmer | Dec 6, 2023