Help Baby Louise Stay Connected to Family and Friends

A $30 donation to CaringBridge powers Baby Louise’s site for one month. Will you make a gift to ensure that this stays online for them and for you?

Join the 35 donors who have made a donation in honor of Baby Louise.

Dearest Katie & Randal, Thinking of you both and Louise. Your note about the July 7 procedure was greatly appreciated - informative, honest, loving. Thank you.
Sending love, Rob & Gilles | Jul 6, 2022
I can't imagine anyone else facing such challenges more grace, wisdom and courage. Louise is fortunate indeed to have such a magnificent family looking after her, and of course we continue to hold her and all of you in our prayers.
Mike M | May 3, 2022
He tends his flocks like a shepherd ; he gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart he gently leads those who have young Isaiah 40:11 God bless your beautiful family
Peace and love in Christ Jesus always | Mar 31, 2022
I am so touched by your story! I am praying for you to be relieved of fear-it is so debilitating. I know that you are all in the palm of His hands. Prayers for sleep- of course, I think all patents of little children need a lot more sleep!
Julie Pruett | Jan 31, 2022
The Poleses were thrilled to receive your lovely Christmas card! We are so happy to learn that baby Louise is home now. Is she another Katharine Louise
Adeline Bradlee Polese | Dec 27, 2021
Celebrating Louise's homecoming.
John & Donna Willbanks | Dec 16, 2021
I'm so happy she is progressing more and more daily. She is precious. Love you and pray for y'all daily.
Ellen Mills | Nov 21, 2021
Sending prayers and love to you all.
Much love, Lisa | Oct 1, 2021
You are so loved, sweet Louise and contuniual prayers for your strength to grow are being lifted up daily!
Shelley Knowles | Sep 21, 2021
Your courage is an example to everyone in crisis. With prayers for Louise - and for you and all your family - Admiration and love, Mike
Michael Mullins | Aug 29, 2021