Lorenzo’s Story

Site created on January 28, 2020

Welcome to Lorenzo's CaringBridge website. We are using it to keep family and friends updated in one place. We appreciate your support and words of hope and encouragement. Lorenzo was born March 8, 2018 and the last year and a half has been quite the journey for our family. Lorenzo has been diagnosed with severe tracheomalacia, dysphasia, GERD and laryngeal cleft. Lorenzo is currently on many medications including a daily antibiotic, inhalers/nebulizers and other respiratory medications. Due to Lorenzo's dysphasia and laryngeal cleft he has also been on thickened liquids most of his life. Lorenzo is being followed by the Aerodigestive Clinic at the Mayo in Rochester; and has a wonderful team of doctors looking after his care. In Lorenzo's short 2 years of life he has had multiple ER visits, hospitalizations, respiratory infections, and procedures including adenoidectomy and ear tubes. 

PS. For those of you who have reached out- a tribute or donation to this page goes directly to the website company. We are not asking for donations at this time as the purpose for this site is to keep you all informed the best we can. We will be looking at having a benefit for Lorenzo in the near future and will keep you all informed as more information is obtained. 

Thank you all so much for your positive vibes, love and support. We truly are grateful to have such wonderful supportive people by our side! 

Mandi and Zach 

Newest Update

Journal entry by Amanda Bay

Today we got official word from the Mayo regarding next steps. Lorenzo is scheduled to have his tonsils removed. At the same time he will also be receiving a bronchoscopy to look at his tracheomalcia and lower airways. They will be removing the extra adenoid tissues that is "growing back" and potentially a CT scan of his lungs to check for any lung damage. Positive note they do feel like he is slowly improving. His swallow study is still abnormal and he still had dysphagia. 

Lorenzo will need to get a covid test within 48 prior to surgery. He is not allowed to attend daycare for 2 weeks post surgery due to them wanting him to limit his activity as it can increase bleeding and risk. They informed me this can be a painful recovery and if bleeding occurs the only way to "fix it" is by going back into the operating room. Tonsils sound like an easy procedure however, with a child that has dysphagia it can be a little more complex. It can set back his swallowing progress he has made thus far. 

Overall, due to the size of his tonsils currently and symptoms he is still having we believe the pros out weigh the cons at this time. We will be proceeding with surgery. 

Surgery has been scheduled at the Mayo for July 15th (NEXT WEEK)! Luckily Zach and I can both be there with him and both allowed to stay overnight in the PICU where he will be admitted afterwards. 

These are stressful times for our family. Our main worry is our child's health and well-being and the rest will fall into place! We are grateful for all of our friends and family following Lorenzo's journey and appreciate the continued positive vibes and well wishes! 

Mandi, Zach, && Lorenzo 
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