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A $30 donation to CaringBridge powers Lisa’s site for one month. Will you make a gift to ensure that this stays online for them and for you?

Join the 35 donors who have made a donation in honor of Lisa.

If there was ever a reason to believe in the Pheonix, Lisa gives us proof positive that the pheonix has risen! From a failed marriage to an exemplary marriage Lisa comes back stronger. An accomplished oboe player gets stopped, so she rises from the ashes
Bill and Judy Cummings | May 29, 2024
Lisa, rest up and you'll be ready for the next round of treatments. You have come so far. You are the strongest and most positive person I know fighting this cancer. I'm so happy we met last year at the St. Joseph cancer center in Orange.
Love You, Ingrid Olobri | May 26, 2024
Each and every day I hold you in my thoughts. No cancer will injur the real Lisa!
Bill Cummings | Mar 26, 2024
Hang in there Lisa! You are a warrior!! Kathy
Katherine Marsh | Jan 23, 2024
Pamela Fitzmorris | Jan 20, 2024
Holy -well, you know. Just incredibly shitty you had to go through this- but you're under the best of care, and the three-week schedule (I'm saying from experience) is actually pretty good. Two weeks of weird, a week of kinda normal. Love you.
Beth Lano | Dec 28, 2023
Sending you warm thoughts and lots of love every day!
Sending strength to you and your minion of co-travelers.Miriam Wu | Dec 11, 2023
Lisa, you are a hero to so many of us. You teach us about coping with life. You bend but don't break. Each day I begin and end my days focusing on the real Lisa. Your success in writing is so predictabl! Lisa excels at creativity. LOVE to you.
Judy and Bill Cummings | Nov 29, 2023
Paula | Nov 28, 2023
For cancer fighters everywhere.
Lisa Franco | Nov 21, 2023