Lindsay’s Story

Site created on June 27, 2023

Hi All, 

Lindsay's parents, Rick and Shirley, were in town visiting her in mid-June when her dad suffered a series of mini-strokes while working in Lindsay's yard. The last two weeks have been a whirlwind of diagnoses, care, therapy, and endless phone calls with insurance while trying to help Mr. Funkhouser have everything he needs to recover well. 

This space will be the single spot where all of their care needs and updates can be found. You can find ways to help above at the "Ways to Help" and "Planner" tabs. Updates on Rick's health will be added below. 

Thank you for your prayers, for helping as you can, and for loving this family well!

Newest Update

Journal entry by Lindsay Funkhouser

Thanks for praying for Dad’s sleep test. It went well. The techs were able to get enough data the first half of the night to give him a cpap machine to use the second half of the night. It helped him a lot, and he slept well. They gave Mom and Dad a machine to bring home to use.


Can you please pray that Dad is amenable to using it and that he can sleep comfortably? He didn’t remember using it or having the sleep test when I talked to him a little while ago. Pray with us that he remembers that it helps him sleep well and easily gets used to it. Pray also that Mom gets some good sleep tonight. 


Thank you all,


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