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May 26-Jun 01

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The Cure

by Albert Huffstickler

We think we get over things.

We don’t get over things.

Or say, we get over the measles,

But not a broken heart.

We need to make that distinction.

The things that become part of our experience

Never become less a part of our experience.

How can I say it?

The way to “get over” a life is to die.

Short of that, you move with it,

let the pain be pain,

not in the hope that it will vanish

But in the faith that it will fit in,

find its place in the shape of things

and be then not any less pain but true to form.

Because anything natural has an inherent shape and will flow towards it.

And a life is as natural as a leaf.

That’s what we’re looking for: not the end of a thing but the shape of it.

Wisdom is seeing the shape of your life without obliterating (getting over) a single instant of it.


I was drawn here today and this poem  was right where it needed to be.  We are trying ever so hard to find shape and form to this new existence.  All of us trying to learn how to step forward on this ever so unstable ground.  It is awkward and unsteady.  Our head space unclear.  Our capacity seems so limited with this wondering and wandering.  We will find new footing and our ability to flow and adapt will take form based on this changed reality... eventually.  I keep saying it will soften, I am sure it wont feel this intense or impossible forever.  I try to be sure, at least.  Hope still hangs somewhere  in the background but it will take time to put it closer to center again. It is what pain does.  It is what love in loss is.  Can't really  stop it or block it nor do I want to, ... just let it come in all the ways that it will.  So many hearts are aching for this beautiful life that has left our sight,  reminding us of the value of each and every one who is dear to us.  Oh Lindsay how we miss you.  Our missing is so intense and immense.

 We want to let you all know that we think of each of you with so much gratitude.  We cannot thank you enough all for your love, kindness. support, prayers and encouragement. 

Happy birthday dear  Crystal. Thank you for finding  this poem and sharing it with us.  The photos of  happy memories are for you today!

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