Help Lily Stay Connected to Family and Friends

A $30 donation to CaringBridge powers Lily ’s site for one month. Will you make a gift to ensure that this stays online for them and for you?

Join the 31 donors who have made a donation in honor of Lily .

Jane Brooks | Jun 14, 2022
Keep up the good fight! My church, Queen of the Holy Rosary, are all praying for you. Your name is in our Sunday bulletin every week to remind us that you need our prayers. And I ask a special angel every morning to watch over you.
Greg Zdanek | May 27, 2022
Hang in there because you can do this.
Debra And Ken Fite | Mar 30, 2022
So happy to hear the positive news. Your family is in our thoughts and prayers. Love Aunt Jan and Uncle Gene
Janice Dyro Smith | Mar 22, 2022
Sending many blessings
Hugs….Cindy swarner | Mar 9, 2022
We want to walk this walk with Lily and her amazing family! Love and prayers sent her way! Frank and Mary Dodd
Mary Dodd | Mar 7, 2022
You are a very BRAVE girl Lily. Stay positive. I play cards at the Aliki with your lovely Grandma Alana and some other 'girls' We love her and we love you too. Stay strong and have faith in God. HE is watching over you all.
Carol Himmer | Mar 1, 2022
Don Disbrow | Feb 28, 2022
Keeping all prayers going. Thinking about you every day
Betty Rains | Feb 27, 2022
Dearest Lily, I am a friend of your Grandmother Alana from the Aliki in Daytona Beach. We play cards together . I know if you are like your grandmother you are fiercely competitive and this cancer will be NO match for you. You are all in my prayers.
George And Julia | Feb 25, 2022