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Jun 02-08

This Week

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"Even in the midst of suffering, we must never lose sight of all that God has given us. " - Walking with Purpose

This seems like a good time to wrap up Libby’s Caring Bridge updates. She returned to work yesterday!

By pure, poetic coincidence it was Feb. 6, exactly five months after being admitted to the hospital on Sept. 6. Given the recovery time estimates from her care teams, to be so close to full recovery already is nothing short of a miracle.   

The quote above dropped in my email box this morning. More divine timing. It’s true that we joked a little about being more than ready to flip the calendar and leave 2023 behind. But I am also keenly aware of all that we have been given, and I will forever remember 2023 as a year marked by Great Love.

Foremost, there was not a moment during the weeks of Libby’s hospitalization, even the most harrowing ones, when I felt like God was not in it with us. I felt Him everywhere, especially as we were wrapped in the loving care of family, friends and colleagues – Libby’s, mine and Jim’s, and even Brenna’s and Meaghan’s. People across the country, even friends-of-friends we’ve never met, were praying, checking in, and sending words of encouragement. Our closest tribes provided meals, comfort items and their presence. Libby's own tribe visited, cheered her on, and even provided caregiving and therapy.

Then there was Kyle. We were just getting to know this young man who was becoming very important to our daughter. When our world suddenly turned upside down, we witnessed his true character. There were times that nothing I could say or do could bring Libby much comfort. But I knew that Kyle’s daily visit would bring an almost supernatural calming effect. Needless to say, he has quickly become family.

And I won’t forget all the happy 2023 Shea family events: travel, parties, work promotions, and the happiest of all, Brenna and Nathan getting married! We finally have a son – and Libby and Meaghan finally have a brother – and he was worth the wait. He is loving, kind, hard-working, handy, generous, and funny.

As parents, we were beyond proud of Meaghan and Brenna throughout Libby’s sickness. We got to see all their best qualities at maximum tilt as they helped keep the Shea ship sailing upright and showered Libby, each other, and us with love and care.

And, finally, there’s Libby herself. None of us can ever fully know how profoundly painful, scary, frustrating, and sad this experience was for her. Or what it’s like even now, working not only to regain strength and stamina, but to make up for that unexpectedly lost time and to take back her life. Bolstered by much love and support, she has powered through it all with her trademark sensibility and determination, and a dash of humor and grace.

We wouldn’t have chosen this adventure and are certainly happy that the worst is over. But in it we witnessed the best of humanity: courage, resilience, compassion, generosity and love. Sweet, sweet love.

If you are reading this, on behalf of Libby, Jim and our entire family, thank you for caring for us, and carrying us, with your words, thoughts, prayers and other acts of kindness.

The End!!!



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