Levi’s Story

Site created on May 29, 2011

Hi, My name is Levi Nehemiah Mulvihill. I was born premature on May 24, 2011. In God's good design and love He has given me the mission of displaying His glory through disability. I have Down Syndrome, Complex Heart Disease, Chronic Respiratory failure, Epilepsy, and sensory processing disorder. I was born partially deaf as well, but as of October 2014, the LORD Jesus has completely HEALED my hearing loss so no more hearing aids for me! I am currently off of my ventilator and I don't need my trach anymore! After several years since my last open heart surgery, I am currently fighting a bacterial infection in my brain.  Thanks for praying for me and our family! Love you.

Feel free to read the updates that my parents write about how I am doing. Jesus is helping me get through one day at a time. 

Newest Update

Journal entry by Jared Mulvihill

Hi All!
It has been a couple weeks since we last updated but thank you for continuing to pray for Levi's recovery! We have now been home for three full weeks! Being home from the hospital never gets old!
Between meeting with doctors and therapists we have been having a slew of appointments each week. Last week for example, we had seven appointments. This week, we have already had four. It is a blessing to continue to have medical care and rehab therapies even though we are out of the hospital.
In the last two weeks Levi has done a fantastic job coming off four different medications. We have four more to wean but those are going to take weeks to several months to fully discontinue. With each new med we discontinue Levi is more and more engaged and active. Yet there are still ongoing challenges. We started a wean last week that we had to abandon today as he was going through too much withdrawal. You can pray things go smoothly as we slowly begin weaning again but now at a slower rate.
We are grateful that Levi has continued to avoid sickness over these past three weeks. Although he is still very weak, this is the healthiest he has been since the end of December! It is finally giving his body a chance to rest, recover, and build up his strength.
Overall, While Levi isn't a big fan of walking much he is putting more weight on his legs. He is also reaching a bit more with his arms, smiling here and there, making more and more eye contact, and is very engaged during OT and PT.
Thank you for continuing to pray for us. I have been thinking over Hebrews 12:1-2 and the author's call for endurance as we run our race intentionally setting our eyes on Jesus.
Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God  (Hebrews 12:1–2).
Setting our eyes on Jesus is our most important aim each day although there is so much else calling out for our attention. Truly our looking is what will keep us running and enduring! Oh the grace to see Christ more! Thank you again for your many prayers!
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