Lee’s Story

Site created on January 11, 2020

Welcome to Lee's CaringBridge site.  Thank you all for your love and support. We are using this page to update you on the status of Lee's cancer, treatment, and any further udpates that family can share. 

Your thoughts, prayers and love are much appreciated.

Newest Update

Journal entry by Jenny Mammen

Yesterday was 1 year ago that we got the worst news imaginable. 1 year ago we knew our lives were changing forever. But 1 year ago, we sat down as a family and a community, and became stronger than ever.

It's crazy how fast a year goes. In treatment cycles. In holidays. In memorable moments. Even though 365 days, 12 months, 52 weeks seem like a big numbers, it's never enough.

I wish I was writing this with my Dad still here, present on earth. To hear his cackle or silly one liner jokes (that really weren't that funny but he thought they were), I would give anything. But in the year, or rather the 10 months that we still had Dad, I learned and grew so much more through him and continue to do so. I learned to appreciate the small things, the simple moments, and to love those I hold close even more. And yes....even those silly jokes. I learned that even when the odds are stacked against you, to fight through and prove them wrong, because you CAN. Dad instilled this in every person he came across and was proud of that. He lived large in any way that he could, even at his weakest moments. For this I am so DAMN PROUD to be his daughter.

I wasn't sure if I should write this note. CaringBridge is a place to support and instill hope in those fighting. But after a long thought, it was because of all of you that we were able to fight and support Dad as long as we could, and that we all still work to care and support each other because that's what Dad would've wanted. Myself and my family are so grateful for everything you've given us over the past year. Comments, cards, well wishes, prayers, food, visits, stories....my thank you's are endless. So we begin a new year and maybe Dad isn't with us, but those silly jokes, advice, and memories are...and will fill us in the new years to come.


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