Help Larry Stay Connected to Family and Friends

A $30 donation to CaringBridge powers Larry’s site for one month. Will you make a gift to ensure that this stays online for them and for you?

Join the 31 donors who have made a donation in honor of Larry.

Larry praying for you. I know you know this but God is in Charge totally sovereign over all things including the next breath that we take. God is with you. I know I keep adding the 91 psalm. That is my comfort in all Life's Trials and tribulations.
Ted Gilbert | Dec 7, 2021
For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a Hope. Jeremiah 29:11
OU BSU Gabfesters--Janann, Jeannie, Margie, Susan, Tricia, Jeanette | Nov 20, 2021
John & Betty Jacobs | Nov 15, 2021
Whatever is written in your heart - that is all that matters LDE - your great friend Jeff Peck
National | Nov 13, 2021
Hang in there Larry:) We know that this will be a bumpy road, but you are in our prayers. God is present+ Love and Blessings, Malin and Jan
Malin and Jan Jan Jones | Nov 12, 2021
Roberta Hunter | Nov 11, 2021
Dear Larry & family, Please number us among the countless lives you have touched over the years in faithful & sustaining friendship. Now it's our turn to reciprocate in some small way. We ARE praying for peace and healing.
With love, Cliff and Debi Nancarrow | Nov 10, 2021
Sending my prayers and support.
Ann Robinson | Nov 10, 2021
Thinking of you and Jill and your family. You are in my daily prayers for 'refuah shleima' (complete healing). Alice joins me in wishing you God's blessings.
Mark Fasman | Nov 10, 2021
Joanne LeClair | Nov 9, 2021