Larry’s Story

Site created on December 25, 2022

UPDATE 12/30:  We have a few requests about getting in touch. Nothing has changed from our latest journal; we’re just figuring out how to manage things! 
—Lori and Trish want to take the pressure off Mom and Dad (who are both exhausted all the time), so we’d like to ask that if you have questions, please leave them in the comments or well-wishes—or, if they’re more specific/personal, shoot them to us. We’re tberrong and lblefko, both followed by 
—One really good piece of advice we got: In messages, emails, texts, conversations, etc. for both Mom and Dad, keep things light, loving, encouraging—even silly. Please avoid questions about treatment or prognosis, news or politics, or anything else that might be stressful. 
—Dad is checking emails and texts even less frequently than before (which is to say, “not at all”), so he’s not seeing any of the sweet messages you may be sending.  We’ll convey anything you write in comments and well-wishes here on CaringBridge.

Thanks to everyone for all the ongoing love and support for our family. 

This site will keep everyone up to date about Larry Berrong's recovery after suffering from a stroke in mid-to-late December. (We can't pinpoint exactly when it happened, but we know it was between December 13-24). Strokes happen when blood flow to the brain is blocked by a blood clot or by fatty deposits called plaque in the blood vessel lining. 

If you want all of the important (and some super-trivial) details from the beginning, scroll all the way down—we've recreated the first few days (12/23-26) to the best of our ability.  Real-time journaling starts 12/27.

Carolyn, Trish, and Lori will all be posting updates but will write them all from Carolyn's perspective for consistency (unless noted). Trish and Lori will also be adding ideas and options for helping their parents.  (Right now, they've got everything they need and aren't ready for visitors yet.)

We appreciate your love, care, and prayers for Larry and our family. 

Love you all.
Carolyn, Trish, and Lori
(and David, Adam, and Jason)

Newest Update

Journal entry by Trish Berrong

It's been a while, y'all! 

But the good news is there's no new news. Dad continues to do really well physically and verbally—the main issue is his shortish-term memory. He plays golf with pals a few times a week, leads Sunday school discussions, and entertains his family with a heightened level of silliness. Mom is a machine, but agrees every so often to accept help when it's so generously offered by their wonderful circle of friends and family. As the kids say, if they still say this, Larry and Carolyn are #RelationshipGoals. 

This past weekend Lori and David hosted a gathering of Berrongs, and it was as loud and as full of laughter and really good food as you can imagine. It was great to catch up with so many folks at once (especially for this Kansas City resident). Photos attached! 

Thanks so much for your continued prayers for our family. We love you all. 


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