Kim’s Story

Site created on June 26, 2022

Kim was diagnosed with rhabdomyolosis--a condition where damaged skeletal muscle breaks down quickly and increases extreme weakness and fatigue--around Memorial Day. She was hospitalized in Wichita for 8 days--three of those days being in the ICU. When she was admitted her CPK levels were at 39,000. DANGEROUS. To give you perspective, these levels should be at 200 for healthy, daily living. After her hospital stay, she went home with hopes she could get her levels to continue to drop from 20,000 thru out-patient IV treatments. Unfortunately her numbers didn't improve and she became weaker.....
Scroll to the bottom of this page and follow the story below to see her progression.

Newest Update

Journal entry by KIM SECRIST

Another PET scan down!  I’ve fasted for the last six hours, only drinking water, and haven’t consumed carbs for 24 hours. An hour before the scan, I was injected with radioactive sugar called fluorodeoxyglucose-18 which will highlight cancer in my body. Since I was first diagnosed with bladder cancer in January 2022, my scans have been normal. 

I typically have PET scans every six months, however, this one was not planned. Here’s why. I saw my urologist two weeks prior who saw something suspicious while scoping my bladder in the office. He took me to surgery the following week and scraped a 2 cm tumor from my bladder which was malignant. My cancer has come back, to the same spot, Stage 2. The good news is that it has remained Stage 2, and I won’t need chemo. I will, however, face bladder removal/reconstruction surgery (neobladder surgery) on September 20 at KU Medical Center in Kansas City. This is the same hospital I was in last summer. 

What is neobladder surgery? It’s a procedure where the surgeon will remove my bladder and construct a new one using my small intestine. Pretty incredible, right? This will allow me to void normally and fits my lifestyle the best. I can still be active without the need to wear a bag.

As you can imagine, this is ALOT to process and comprehend the lifestyle change that will come with it. I have enjoyed being in remission over the last 18 months and have been able to build my strength for what’s to come. My medical team feels I am strong enough now and will do well which is reassuring.

Your thoughts and prayers are appreciated as our family faces another milestone as we begin a new chapter. We all experienced the miracle of my strength and healing last year and are confident, after this surgery, I will be completely cancer free!


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