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Jun 09-15

This Week

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It's been another month and lots of good stuff going on.

Let's start with the medical updates:

  • We were able to get the MRI's approved by insurance and I ended up having 2 of them, and then insurance approved the CT.  The spot they wanted to look at appears to just be just some trapped fluid.  Everything looked good and they want to do a follow-up MRI in 3-6 months to ensure stability.  
  • I finished my LAST round of chemo pills on August 3rd.  What was crazy, it that was exactly 1 year to the date from when I was headed in for my very first chemo infusion!  I was incredibly lucky to be surrounded by a few friends and the Barbells for Boobs team to take that last pill.  We went live from Madison, WI since I was there for the CrossFit Games (as a spectator).  It was a large rollercoaster of emotions that whole day.  I literally was going from laughing to crying.  I am so grateful to be done and also for everything this past year has taught me.
  • Moving forward I will have visits with lab work with Dr. T every 3 months for the first little bit and then we will gradually spread those visits out until I am at 5 years.  I also have a Survivorship appointment next month on the 19th, where I will meet with a handful of different specialists to discuss survivorship and things to do moving forward.  I will also get to RING THE BELL that day!  Luckily it is in the afternoon, so Tyler will be able to join me for that moment too.
  • I will have another follow up in Dec/Jan with my plastic surgeon and then I won't see her for 4 more years when we will start doing MRI's to check my implants,
  • For those that have asked, there are no follow-up scans to make sure I am clear.  They removed the tumor in December with clear margins, so the assumption is that I do not have Cancer anymore.  The chemo pills were due to there being active cancer cells still in the tumor that the chemo infusions didn't completely kill.  So the pills were to catch any super small cancer cell that could possibly still be floating around somewhere that we didn't know about.  Since I have implants, I will never have another mammogram and the only way to check for anything is by touch or MRI.  We will continue to monitor my blood work and will do scans if we notice anything abnormal or different in blood work or any new/weird bumps forming at my breasts (yes, there can still be new cancer bumps at the skin level or under the implant).  But I'm not even the slightest bit worried about it.  Because, as I said from the beginning, it's nothing until it is something.  There is zero point or benefit in worrying about it.

Some other fun things that have happened.  As I mentioned, I was at the CrossFit Games.  This was such an experience.  I was able to participate on the "Demo Stage" for a workout during a panel discussion regarding CrossFit and Cancer.  They were discussing how those of us with Cancer can still move and will move, it's all about asking questions and scaling appropriately.  Then, I was asked to talk with the CrossFit Journal/CrossFit Training team as they wanted to do a little article.  Because of that, I was able to do a 1:1 session with a CrossFit Training from HQ while the Journal photographer snapped some pictures.  It was pretty cool and the article was perfect.  She actually confirmed with me that I said "I am glad I got cancer".  Which I did, and I am.  It has given me so many bright spots, moments, and wonderful people in my life that I can't be upset.  Yes it sucked, No I don't want to do it again, but I am glad.  As crazy as that sounds.  I have a lot to be thankful for and even more people in my life that I appreciate so much.  Additionally, I have a whole new perspective that I didn't have before and I appreciate some things more than before.

I hope none of you have to go through this, ever.  But if you do, know I am here if you want me to be a sounding board, share stories, or just sit in silence as we process the facts.  I hope that sharing my story helps you or someone you love through this, if that happens.  My cancer likely won't be the same as yours, but know that if you look for the positives, even in the suckiest of moments, and stay active - you will and can fight it.  I am 100% certain that attitude and movement are huge parts of what got me through this chapter of life.   From a t-rex costume at treatment to walking 5 minutes when I felt the least like doing anything.

My last plug, here, is to encourage you all to come to Sheyenne River CrossFit in West Fargo on October 23rd, starting at 9am.  We are hosing a Barbells for Boobs fundraiser.  We will have silent auction items, a workout (you don't HAVE to do it, but you should try!), raffle items, and a brunch following a VERY SPECIAL heat workout (approx time of 10:15) that will be only for breast cancer patients and survivors.  We are still looking for event sponsors too, if you or someone you know is interested.  Please reach out!

With that, I think this is the last post, the final page; unless I post a few pics from the bell ringing here.  Yes, there will still be some lasting side effects that I will, and am, learning to manage, but all I can hope for from here is smoothing sailing and continued clear blood work and scans.  It's crazy to think that a year ago there was so many unknowns and I had no idea what I was getting into.  But now, it's crazy to think of that 5 year moment.  I can't wait to see what is next.  Thank you ALL for being here for me for the past year, your support, love, and laughter was just what I needed.  

Don't forget to make someone smile today.0

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