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May 26-Jun 01

This Week

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Hi everyone,

Thank you for talking the time to read my updates and trek with me through this journey. I have been meaning to get this out a lot earlier; I have had with many saved drafts but now I just wanted to get something out so that you all know what has been going on with me the past few months. I apologize if updates start to sound a little repetitive, but I am glad for the regularity. In short, not a lot has changed since my last check in! If you want a little more information, then the rest of this post is for you! So without further a due, here is another long blog post. 

All of the lumbar punctures and IV chemo infusions in late March (3/23/21) through July (4/20/21), (5/18/21), (6/15/21), (7/13/21) went well with very little side effects. I did not experience any headaches, but did have some unexpected back soreness that was greater than the last few lumbar puncture procedures. Thankfully, after a few days I was feeling better. The results of the last LP came back similar to all the others stating that the spinal fluid was “clear,” “colorless” and “no malignant cells [were] identified.” I am so thankful that things continue to head in the right direction. There have been a few speed bumps such as some minor infections, rashes, and some days of just not really feeling my best. Overall, I am blessed with minor symptoms. I also had a few brief office visits with my Lancaster oncologist and a few brief telehealth calls with my oncologist from Penn. My doctors have increased one of my oral chemo pills by another 20 percent (3/30/21) and have been reassessing my blood work to see if any other changes in dosage needs adjusted.

I also had a visit with a nurse practitioner from my Lancaster team today and was able to get some questions that I had about treatment and progress answered. IV treatment is still taking place once a month, with oral chemo daily. I also have a regimen of oral antifungals and antiviral medications in addition to steroid stints that happen for 5 days, once a month, at the start of IV chemo. My blood work today came back with most of the results in range although my liver numbers are still high. They continue to trend down from previous blood draws. They said that treatment progress is looking good and my numbers continue to improve.

I am still scheduled to get blood work done once every two weeks; however, I did have it done back to back in a few consecutive weeks. My hemoglobin levels have been in the 11.9-12.7 g/dL range the past four to five blood draws that I have had and the my levels remain in the “normal” range! Whoohoo! I was pretty excited about this little victory! It does not by any means; mean that I am physically ready for a marathon, or even a 5k for that matter, but I have been feeling pretty decent lately. I have been able to go on hikes, enjoy nature, push mow the lawn and I have been going on a lot more walks now that the weather is nicer. I plan on incorporating more biking and even going on some more short runs in the future. The ways to exercise are endless; I just need to continually get past the part where I put on my gym clothes!

I had a somewhat busy day today with blood draws, a doctor appointment and IV chemo. I will be talking steroids again this month starting today as well (8/10/21). My next lumbar puncture will be mid-September (9/14/21). Since July, I only need these LPs every three months. Yey!! I’ll take that as a win in my book! Today marks cycle 4 day 57 of my maintenance stage. I am also preparing for the inverse relationship between appetite and my sleep quality in the next couple of days and weeks due to the steroids. In order to combat the sleep issue, I will continue to take melatonin mixed with either Benadryl or Ativan if needed. Recently, a higher dosage of melatonin with another medication has been working (10 mg) for me and I have gained around 1-3 hours of higher quality sleep per night. This has been much lower in the past. I have been feeling more rested as well. I am grateful for this change in my sleep pattern and continue to look forward to more consistent sleep quality. The larger appetite issue is a little harder to combat but I have been doing my best to eat more protein in hopes to feel fuller and eat less. You would think that I am used to this by now, but it feels new almost every time. By the time I get the hang of it, it’s usually time to go back on the steroids again.

In other news, I have received my first dose of the covid-19 vaccine in early April and received my second dose in early May. I am grateful for any protection that it will provide to me especially since my immune system is already compromised. I am not looking to start a debate about the vaccine; each person is entitled to their opinion and should make their decisions about their own body. For me however, I feel that the benefits outweigh the risks. I have not experienced any adverse reactions from either dose other than a sore arm. I am very blessed for that! I am looking forward to finally being able to see more of my family and friends after a long 2020 of staying home. I know this does not mean things are 100% back to ‘normal’ but it brings me hope being able to see family and friends, even while masked. I am still working full time remotely from home and am making plans to take a few days off here and there in the near future! I have forgotten what it is like to make plans honestly. I am really excited to make a few small plans to finally see some people and also enjoy time off! However, with the delta variant reeking havoc, it has increased my anxiety level and reinforced my coupled fear associated with the virus and making plans.

A few prayer requests for me specifically are for my immune system as I have had a rotation of minor infections coming and going the past couple months. Pray for overall continued protection during flu season as well as during Covid. A few minor requests would be for brain clarity (the mental fog is real), the neuropathy in my feet to subside and as always for more decent quality sleep. I am not really sure how to express this next request as it is not mine to really tell, but I just wanted to also ask those praying to please keep Ryan’s family and friends in your prayers as they grieve his passing.

That is pretty much all the updates. I continue to take things one day at a time, some days are harder than others but I am sure that everyone reading this has experienced similar days. I am hoping to send out any other updates as they come and I am reminded that more of the same news is still good news. Thank you for all the support and prayers! Stay happy and healthy!






Psalm 5:11 “But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may rejoice in you.”

Joel 2:25-26 “I will repay you for the years the locusts have eaten…You will have plenty to eat, until you are full, and you will praise the name of the Lord your God, who has worked wonders for you; never again will my people be shamed.”

1 Corinthians 10:13 “No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.”

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