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May 26-Jun 01

This Week

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Dear Family and Friends,

There has been a lot going on in Kent’s life since our last entry.  Just before Christmas and the start of a new year, Kent and I noticed his hernia, ten years in the making, suddenly expanding.  Kent knew we needed to act quickly so that he could qualify for the less invasive laparoscopic surgery which would enable a speedier recovery for Kent.  Time was of the essence!  It was more than a coincidence that the surgeon had an opening the day we called for a consult and that he could squeeze Kent in before the year’s end.  (Need I say that we had already met our year’s health insurance deductible!)  You never forget divine providence that opens doors at just the right time.


The day of his surgery arrived and Kent received royal treatment from the amazing medical team at his former place of employment, Ridgeview Hospital in Waconia. Then, less than two weeks later, our youngest daughter and her husband had a wonderful experience there as she gave birth to their first child.  Family dynamics changed as an infant is a 24/7 responsibility and the focus quickly turned to the sweetest six pound eight ounce baby girl.  That same day was also marked by Kent’s alma mater, the University of Michigan, winning the College Football National Championship.  What a day of blessings!


Kent’s surgery recovery went well, but he did have to remain quite sedentary for about four weeks.  Fortunately, this did coincide with our coldest month in Minnesota, so he enjoyed spending time at home comfortably basking in the warmth of our gas fireplace.  During Kent’s month of healing, he was able to practice balancing while standing stationary holding onto the couch.  In an attempt to get his steps in, he would use the couch for balance as he walked alongside the back of it.  The result was a definite improvement in his posture while walking with assistance. 


The key to stroke recovery is repetitive and regular movement, so we were not surprised that Kent experienced an overall regression in abilities as he recovered from surgery.  Kent and I exuberantly returned to the health club once his healing was complete.  He quickly expanded his workouts and is more determined than ever to accelerate his progress.  In addition to his extensive weight lifting routine, and using both seated and standing elliptical machines, he has added walking on the treadmill. As always, I tire before he does and gratefully, during his  l-o-n-g workouts, I have ample opportunity to utilize the massage chairs.  This invention is a wonderful stress reducer.


Another source of blessing for Kent and I is our computer.  Although we experience occasional maddening glitches, technology has provided an opportunity for us to “attend” online church, engage in our Zoom group Bible studies, and it allows Kent to continue serving on a board.  He is also taking continuing education courses.  Especially for those with physical limitations facing isolation at home during the winter, technology is a wonderful way to stay engaged and connected.  It also reduces time spent passively watching television!


Navigating disabilities is just one of the many challenges we have had to face post-stroke.  Thankfully, Kent CAN DO so much.  Our difficulties diminish when people witness our struggle to get around and act as good samaritans. Most people we meet on this journey have shown us great love and compassion and offer a helping hand.  Even simple acts such as opening a door lightens our load and brings relief to my back.  Often Kent is complimented by others who witness his determination and calm demeanor.  He is the same inspirational man he has always been.  


Unfortunately, the first week of February we hit another bump in the road when Kent caught a nasty case of influenza.  He has had extreme fatigue making it difficult for him not to slump while sitting or hunch his back while walking with his upright walker.  For about twenty-four hours he was unable to walk at all!  Thankfully, he has turned the corner and he is in recovery mode once again.  2024 has begun with two big recovery hurdles to overcome.  THIS is the roller coaster ride of stroke/coma recovery.  With each set back we have to remind ourselves that, although the recovery is slow and the setbacks are many, we can thank God for all the progress Kent has made which enabled him to come back home to live!


Back in 2022, as I ached for Kent to awaken from his coma, I was overcome by an extreme sense of compassion and love for him.  It was a love much more intense than I have ever known; it was palpable.  I believe that love was fuel from God that I would need for my new role as his caregiver.  Caregiving IS the toughest job you'll ever love.  Though God writes the story of our lives, we play our part when His desire wells up in us and empowers us to carry out His plan.  When the doctor declared Kent was a hopeless case, disbelief and indignation rose in me. Kent had been the healthiest person we knew and his value to our family was immeasurable!  The challenge was on and it has been God’s love that has fueled our fight for Kent’s life.


It was one year ago today, Valentine’s Day, that Kent returned home following his ten and a half month long stint away during the first phase of his recovery.  Kent and I are adapting well to our new life together and have experienced a deepening love in our love story.  We are comforted by and reminded of God’s great love and His commitment to us throughout this journey.  We are thankful for the concern so many others have shown us along the way, yet another reminder that we are not alone.



The Kent Forss Family

…During our darkest days songs and Scriptures like the ones I’m including in this post have reminded me of the truth of God’s love for us.  This is the ammunition that helps us fight the anxiety and fear that come with trials...


“But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”  Romans 5:8


"God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God."  2 Corinthians 5:21


"God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble."  Psalm 46:1



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