Kelly’s Story

Site created on April 26, 2018

Chef Kelly Myers has suffered a debilitating stroke as a complication to surgery to address an aneurysm that was misdiagnosed as a migraine caused by altitude sickness while on her recent work trip to Oaxaca.

That Chef Kelly made it powered through the remainder of her trip (albeit in significant pain), later hopped on a plane home and eventually made it to the emergency room for proper treatment a week later is testament to her commitment to her craft, her dedication to her colleagues and her determination to push herself. Those same qualities are what will get her through the long recovery in front of her.  She is quite the fighter!

Thank you for visiting the site and please feel free to leave any questions or messages you may have for Kelly or her family.

Important note- donating to caringbridge only goes to support the website, and none of the funds go to Kelly or her family. If you would like to donate to them,  please go to Thanks. 

Newest Update

Journal entry by Francisco Garcia

Hello Chef Myers Fans,

Kelly has had some great changes over the last month.  Many physical, some environment, then of course there is the seasonal. Where to begin. . .

Well, first a huuuuuuge THANK YOU to all of you who have offered, provided or simply inquired about giving Kelly a ride to any one of her multiple physical therapy, occupational therapy and plain ol’ medical appointments.  I has been a great help to both of us, and a great opportunity for Kelly to reconnect with folks and expound and pontificate on all the wonderful things that have crossed her field of vision these days.

New dates for March and April rides are now posted on Caring Bridge, so please feel free to sign up. Each hour-long appointment actually takes up about 3 hours from home and back. We are continuously updating Kelly's therapy schedule online at the CaringBridge site.  But before you sign up to help, we ask that you take a good look at some of the details of the task ( to see if it is realistic or desirable for you to commit yourself to the task. 

Soon after Kelly’s return home last July, our dear friend Michael Howells was kind enough to draft a wheelchair accessible redesign of our troubling bathroom. What was more troubling were the bids that we got back from contractors to make it happen (whateryagonnado? It’s a builders market out there). My dear brother-in-law Bill Hilliker stepped in, packed up all his tools in his truck, and drove across country from Florida to build us a ritzy hotel bathroom on a Ritz cracker budget. 

The grout in the bathroom had barely had time to dry when Kelly received an invitation from the Rehabilitation Institute of Oregon to come back for a recharge on her therapies.  This time rather than focusing on getting her able to go home, the emphasis was on her personal goals and what she wants to be able to do at home.

Kelly has just go back and we can already see the difference. Not only does she have more strength over all, but she is able to take a more strategic approach to how she utilizes what functionality she does have, and even leverage some of the parts that haven’t fully recovered. . .which is still quite a few.

Anyway, Spring is here, and with things in bloom, new opportunities abound and we hope that you might be part of our new adventures by signing up for a ride or two, or even checking in to see if Kelly is up for a visit.

Warm regards,

Francisco Garcia aka Mr. Chef Kelly Myers

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