KC’s Story

Site created on October 15, 2022

Welcome to our CaringBridge website. We are using it to keep family and friends updated in one place. We appreciate your support and words of hope and encouragement. As many of you know KC has been battling a brain tumor for many years. She is presently in the hospital after suffering a stroke following her most recent surgery. Her family will be relaying all of the well wishes, prayers and words of encouragement. KC is a loving daughter, mother, sister and friend to all. SHE IS A WARRIOR!!! As of now this is the best way to relay those messages as she does not have access to her phone. 

Newest Update

Journal entry by Amy Lemay

KC was graced with more Bonaventure friends visiting!!!  Kate and Kerry came from cold Vermont  and Connecticut to spend time with KC this weekend! We were lucky to have beautiful weather! They visited The Halcyon and ran into KC’s friend, Renee.  We are always thankful when folks come to visit!  

Meanwhile, KC continues with PT and OT.  4 more weeks of in-home therapies before outpatient therapy will begin.  

I hope everyone is doing well!  Xoxoxox
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