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Jun 16-22

This Week

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 Wonderful news from the pathology reports from surgery last Friday. The lymph nodes are benign, NO CANCER was found. As if that was not enough, the tumors in the breast were killed and nothing was found in the tissue.  Isn’t it just like our God to give us more than we imagine. I AM NOW CANCER FREE!!!  After several months of fighting breast cancer, it was amazing to realize it is gone! Hallelujah and praise God!!! His mighty outstretched arm has killed the enemy that was too strong for me. 

Now to the task of healing from the surgery and continue the reconstruction process. Hopefully the whole process will be complete before the end of the year. Then to figure out how to live again, without cancer consuming our lives in every area.
Thank you does not begin to express how much Frank and I appreciate everything you all have done for us. You have walked this journey with us, praying, encouraging, loving us, providing rides and meals. We will keep the page active until later this year when the final breast implant surgery is complete.

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