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Apr 28-May 04

Week of Apr 28-May 04

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Please pray for Jen's family, she passed last week from Leukemia.  She leaves young children.  Please pray her young boys will find comfort and peace.  I know Jen is in heaven completely healed and vibrant, with our Maker.

Please continue to pray for the Golczewksis, and Christines family.

Please pray for Chrissy Muddiman, who had surgery last week for Triple Negative Breast Cancer (the same as mine).  She received news that 9 of 11 lymph nodes had cancer.  Please pray that God heals her.  She will continue with more treatment. I pray for wisdom for her Drs. to chose the right treatment options.  Proton or conventional radiation therapy.  I pray she is able to get immunotherapy or into a study with aggressive treatment.  I am 100% convinced immunotherapy saves lives.  Well, GOD saves lives; but, immunotherapy may be the modality.  She is very strong, I pray her body will respond to more treatment.

I pray for my sister in law Kim, who has pulmonary and neurological Sarcoidosis.  Protection from the virus, and healing.  For my sister Lisa, who is battling stomach cancer and is in chemo treatment. Protect her from the virus and for continued healing as well.  For my brother in law, with cardiac issues, to protect him from the virus.  And for all those with underlying medical conditions for protection against the virus. 

I pray for a vaccine, more advanced testing, and healing therapies very quickly.

 I pray for our economy.  For our planet to get back to work.  Many of our country's workers are making more on unemployment and do not want to return to work.  For every week our economy is shut down, more businesses and jobs will be lost.  I pray for those struggling with addictions during this stressful time.  For those that struggle with anxiety and depression.  I read that 30% of small businesses have already shut their doors for good.  (that was 2 weeks ago). Small business is the backbone of our country and jobs.  I pray that once we are open that our communities don't live in fear.  That people start to frequent the local coffee shops, restaurants and retail.

I pray for our leaders to make the right decisions.  And the 2 political parties can put away their drama and BS and help the country, not their own political agendas.   

We are very blessed to have received the PPP loan.  Our local banks have been amazing.  A special shout out to Dawn of Peoples Bank.  She helped us receive the loan approval with in 2 days! We are in the process of bringing our team back in phases.   I pray our members all come back and continue with their quest to staying healthy.  On the news today, I saw that those that exercise are less likely to have symptoms and extreme complications from Covid-19. An enzyme is released during exercise, similar to a ventilator, that helps fight the virus symptoms and damage.  I pray our country gets healthier.  Better nutrition, better sleep habits, better cardio and strength fitness, better stress control, better hydration.  

On a positive note, young JPs health is great!  My bloodwork came back clear!  I also love that some of the red tape and obstacles on treatments and drug approvals are being removed and or fast tracked!

Finally, I don't know why bad things happen to good people, and good things happen to bad people.  My limited human brain cant grasp the understanding of sickness, evil and darkness.  But I have to cling to the promise that God will take care of those who love him. And that through everything God will use it to our benefit and for our good.  That our time here on earth is a blink of an eye.  I 100% know that we will survive this virus and the closings.  And I know that whoever God can trust with little, can be trusted with much.  Because of this promise, I know that the church will survive, that businesses that can be trusted with little will survive.  The only place in the Bible that says TEST me in this. My confidence in this promise is unwavering.  Theres a reason this all is happening. Maybe its for Gods children to turn to Him, to fully rely on Him, to come back to a relationship with Him.  When you cant control things, you have no other option than to trust in Him.  

Thanks for all the prayers.  This too shall pass.  Stay distant, stay healthy, stay strong.



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