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Jun 02-08

This Week

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I admit I am an absent friend to many of you. We don’t text everyday and we most probably don’t see each other very often or for a very long time.  I cherish each friendship and wish to extend gratitude for the challenges, experiences and triumphs we have shared along the way.  I look forward to our paths crossing again once more in the near future. That is my wish for 2024.

Where did the last 10 weeks go since my last update! I hope everyone had a blessed and happy Christmas holiday and now it’s over have thought about how to spend 2024. I know I fully expect it to be better than 2023!  I did not make resolutions but did think about a list of “outs” and “ins” which is far more up my alley and also seems to be quite trendy!

OUT for 2024


Less occasions of 6+ hours screen time on my phone (embarrassing!)

Less procrastination (if you know me……)

Less vegging in front of the TV 

Less Rabbit Holes (my co-workers know what I mean!)

IN for 2024

More restful sleep

Dates with Tom

Time with friends and family

More roadtrips

More camping

More travel

Better diet for all of us

Back to Kayaking


More crafting

A view from a mountain top (a big hill will count!)

Just simply MORE LIVING!

It has been a while since I checked in and that can only mean good news!  99% true!  I am feeling stronger and healthier a little more each day in spite of a few niggling side-effects rearing their head.  I reached a new milestone January 5th as I had my first haircut since October 31st , 2022!   Not that I would expect you to notice as I didn’t have much to start with BUT my stylist did a fantastic job of shaping and tidying up what I have and made me feel super!  It was good to be sitting in that chair again and appreciated the chat with my stylist who has been a survivor for 7 years now. 

My first 3-month appointment with my oncologist went well and so happy to be where  I am right now.

I started the LiveStrong program at the YMCA this week and looking forward to  building strength, stamina and endurance. Hopefully helping the lingering side-effects too.   And how sweet it was to meet up with someone I know in the group along for the ride.  The family gets to enjoy the benefits of the Y for 12 weeks too and so will hopefully get to try out the equipment and facilities for that time.  Tom is looking forward to trying out some of the equipment. Who knows we might have to join the Y! I am so lucky for this opportunity which is offered through Gundersen at no cost to cancer survivors. Our Trainers Stacy and Shelia along with volunteers (graduates of LiveStrong) Wendy and Chuck make each one of us feel so important and sincerely want the best for us.  I realize my journey was hard, but always know someone out there has had a more difficult journey (or still on that journey) than yourself.  I am also very grateful that my employer affords me to flex my time to attend the sessions which are in the middle of the day. 

I am excited that we have started planning our trip for the summer to Ireland and England.  The flights are booked!  There are weddings to attend and the only sad part is that we have two nephews getting married this summer and we can only attend one of the weddings since they are three weeks apart. At least it will be a joyous occasion to reconnect with family.  Looking forward to seeing where else we end up during our trip!! A visit to Slane, Ireland and Holbeach, England are on the list, important to visit the old homesteads. 

Life is looking pretty good!  Certainly on the incline of the mountain!

Bless everyone who has touched my life this last year, I am always so humbled everytime I think of all the people that have been there for me. You will never be forgotten.  Please keep my good friends in your prayers as they are each on their own cancer journey.   CANCER SUCKS.   Prayers too for friends and family going through difficult times right now.  Grief, medical and legal problems.  Sometimes life can be so hard.

To end on a happier note - Happy BIrthdays (Jan 6, 7 and 19) to my Brother David and Sister-in-laws Susan and Mandy. Love them all and looking forward to lots of hugs this summer.  

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