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Jun 02-08

This Week

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The people who walk in darkness will see a great light, those who live in a dark land, the light will shine upon them.  -Isaiah 9:2

Dear Friends and Family,

We realize anew this Christmas season, the Babe in the manger who said “Let not your heart be troubled, believe in God—believe also in me” (John 14:1) also said “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life.  No one comes to the Father but through me” (John 14:6), and “I am the Light of the World!  He who follows me shall not walk in darkness but shall have the light of life!” (John 8:12).

The light of God’s grace has shone on the world and the Iblings family for generations, but has become deeply personal for our immediate family this past year.

August 17th Kathy received a diagnosis of Stage 4 pancreatic cancer, which had already spread throughout her body.  Kathy, by God’s grace, had no pain as her body succumbed to the disease.  We as a family were graciously allowed a short but blessed time to grieve with and serve Kathy, but also to laugh and worship together as a family as Jesus—the Light of Life—called her home November 2nd.

Amid the deep loss, the grace and reality of God’s “light in darkness” has truly become “the blessed hope and comfort” as we adjust to the loss of a wife, mother, grandmother and gracious yet stern friend. 

Though Kathy’s illness and death have taken much of our attention and energy during the last few months, life has continued on for us all.  Read on for some updates from the family that Kathy dedicated so much of her time, care and prayer to.

The Dombachs

Seth and Rachel live in Helena, Montana with their four boys. Seth pastors Headwaters Covenant Church, plays goalie in the local hockey league, hunts in the fall, gardens in the summer, and is faithfully working to get their backyard ice rink ready for the winter! Rachel works part time as a Conference Coordinator, homeschools the boys, manages the family calendar and does some admin work for Headwaters. Isaiah, 15, works hard at school and at Play It Again Sports. He enjoys playing Ultimate Frisbee, shooting archery, skiing, skating and being part of our youth group. Elias, 12, enjoys playing Ultimate Frisbee, listening to audio books, creating with Legos and experimenting with new recipes in the kitchen. He also shoots archery and loves youth group. Malakai, 7, loves books, playing with his best friend Zach, exploring outside, and keeping us on our toes with his autism and epilepsy. Zach, 5, is curious about everything and his imagination soars, whether playing with playdough, Legos, super heroes, trucks or dressing up.

The Shetterlys

Steven, Joelle and family have continued to live in Sumas this past year as Steven is wrapping up the final classes for his Master of Divinity degree at Regent College in Vancouver, while working part-time as a missions director at their church.  Joelle keeps the whole show running, homeschooling the older kids and helping out on the Iblings’ property with any number of things.  Micah (10) spends much of his time reading stories, telling stories and either playing or creating his own massively complex board games.  Sedakah (8) is Joelle’s protégé around the house.  She’s doing well in her studies and enjoys the occasional dance party with anyone who will join her.  Neriah (6) has a delightful sense of humor.  She is enjoying her studies as well and is an excellent help, particularly with her little cousin Olive.  Energetic and imaginative Noah (3) keeps himself and everyone else busy by trying to keep up with his older siblings; he is an avid collector of bruises and scrapes (and a complete joy to be around when he’s in a good mood.)

The Bisharas

Fady, Bethany, and Rafee continue their work and service in the Middle East. Their training center was finally able to open in-person classes again in November. Fady teaches Arabic for foreigners, manages the center, and is preparing to start his masters in leadership in January. He is involved with various ministry projects. Bethany enjoys being a mother, taking care of the house, and experimenting in the kitchen. She teaches English, oversees other teachers, does admin work, and gets together with friends for walks or tea as often as she can. She's involved with various prayer events and meetings.  Rafee  (1 ½) has endless energy and loves exploring. He loves climbing on everything, running everywhere, playing with water, helping mama in the kitchen, and imitating everything he sees. He understands Arabic and English, and speaks baby. He is very independent and curious, and a great blessing to his parents. They are all excited to have another baby join their family in May 2021.

The Iblings

Will and Hannah moved down to Sumas from Kamloops, BC in November last year. Hannah started a job at Kulshan Veterinary Hospital and is working part time as a vet tech on a work visa. Many walks and hikes have been accomplished as she gets to know the beauty of the area.  Will continues to work construction jobs with his dad and has also started working for a water system management company and is excited to see where that leads. Spare time has gone into working on his barn, getting that weatherproofed and learning to reload ammo which proves to be a great stress reliever!  Olive is just over 2 years old and talking up a storm. She keeps everyone laughing and busy! Telling long stories which are (mostly) understandable, building tall towers out of blocks, or teaching dad how to play dollies. She spends lots of time with the cousins creating great memories.

For to us a child is born,
    to us a son is given,
    and the government will be on his shoulders.
And he will be called
    Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
    Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
Of the greatness of his government and peace
    there will be no end.
He will reign on David’s throne
    and over his kingdom,
establishing and upholding it
    with justice and righteousness
    from that time on and forever.
The zeal of the Lord Almighty
    will accomplish this.

    - Isaiah 9:6-7

The Iblings Family   *   4275 Minaker Rd.; Sumas, WA 98295   *   Mark’s cell: 360-201-1222 

For a PDF version of the Iblings Christmas Letter:

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